Chapter 4

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Zack's POV

It's been a day since I've broken up with Jasmin. The last thing she texted me was "Don't ever talk to me again! You lied when you said you loved me! I knew you were just like the other boys from the start! You just wanted my money!" And she had every right to say that. Every word of that was true. I never loved her. I'm just like the other boys, all i wanted was her money. But what i know for certain is that I have a chance with Andy now.

~Monday morning~

I get dressed and examine myself in the mirror. I'm wearing a slipknot T-shirt with black skinny jeans and a chain hanging from my belt loops. I ruffle my black hair a bit but neatly. I cover my gray eyes. On my way out I grab my batman backpack and my dark gray beanie, putting it on. I leave the house and walk to the school.

Once i get to the school i see Andy sitting alone leaned against a tree while blowing bubbles. I walk up to her "Mind if i join you?" i ask as she looks at me and nods, patting the grass next to her. I sit down next to her as she continues blowing bubbles.

"so...i um...broke up with Jasmin" I say then she puts the bubble wand down and looks at me with sympathy

" sorry to hear this...was this because of me?"she asks as soon as i hear her say that i instantly shake my head

"no...i needed to do this for myself, i just...i didn't have an interest in her" i say as she nods

Andy's POV 

As Zack sits down next to me i continue blowing bubbles after a few minutes he breaks the silence "so...i um...broke up with Jasmin" he says then i put the bubbles down. Oh no...did i ruin their relationship...ugh...he must hate me now. 

I look at him with sympathy "'m sorry to hear this...was this because of me?" i ask and he instantly shakes his head

"No...I needed to do this for myself, i just...i didn't have an interest in her" he says as i nod. He's lying...there's something he's not telling me. But what is it? 

"Andy?" he asks then i snap out of my thoughts

"hmm?" i ask as he chuckles a bit 

"I asked if maybe since I'm single now...would you like to go out with me?" As he says those words my eyes widen and i freeze in shock. Are you kidding me? Someone please tell me this isn't a dream. Just then Zack pinches me "OW!!! What was that for?!?" i ask as he laughs 

"well, you didn't say anything after i called your name repetitively" he says then continues to laugh

"That doesn't mean you pinch me!!!" i say then he stops laughing and there was a silence for about a minute or two 

Zack breaks the silence "so...yes or no?" he asks

I think for a minute then nod " yes, i'll go out with you" i say as a huge grin appears on his face.

Zack's POV

"Yes, ill go out with you" As soon as she had said those words, I feel a huge grin appear on my face and then i jump up "YES!!!" i yell then she giggles. damn...her giggle is so cute

~hours later~

School was over and Andy didn't let me walk her home no matter how much i offered she wouldn't give in.

Once i get to the house my brother looks at me then points to dads office.'s going to kill me. I go into my dad's office as he tells me to sit down and i do as told you. "I told you not to break up with Jasmin!" he says obviously furious

"well, technically you said to stay with Jasmin because it was in my best interest but honestly i don't think you know what my best interest is..." i say then he glares at me

"oh so you think this is funny?" he asks

"i mean i didn't say it...but i was thinking it..." I say then gasp "OH MY GOD DAD!!!! ARE YOU A MIND READER?" i laugh after i say that

"get out of my office. Now!!!" he says pointing to the door

I get up quickly, snickering a bit "Okay, okay, im going...but one question. Are you a mind reader?" i ask, then he throws a pen at me

"NOW!!!" He yells then i go out laughing a lot, then i head to the kitchen and check on my mom

Andy's POV

I lay on the floor as my dad kicks me in my stomach then walks out as I'm crying. I clench my stomach from the pain. Why? Why me? I hear my phone ping, notifying me that i have a text message but i continue to lay on the floor and ignore it. 

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