Chapter 23- The Girlfriend Tag

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The cameras were all set up and we were finally doing it. We were putting off doing the girlfriend tag for a while just because of all the hate I was getting but a fan gave a really good point, Ethan got to show off Ellie and have a video just for themselves, Grayson should be able to show off our relationship and make this video that he has wanted to do for a long time.
"You ready?" He asked me. I nodded my head and he turned on the camera. He sat down with Ethan and they started the video. They did their usual what's up guys and Ethan started to talk.
"So, a while back I made a video called the girlfriend tag with my girlfriend."
"And today, I'm doing one with my girlfriend. Alex come on over." He said. Ethan got up and I sat in his chair. Grayson wrapped his arms around me and our cheeks were touching. "This is my girlfriend, this is Alex and she's my girlfriend." He let go of me and pulled out his phone. "So I have all the questions right here and we are both going to be answering them. So first question, where did we meet?"
"School." I said.
"Be more specific."
"It was in our math class and I was sitting with Ethan and Ellie because I met them literally ten minutes before I met Grayson." I said.
"Correct. What was your first impression of me?"
"Holy crap, he's attractive." We both started to laugh.
"My first impression was that you were gorgeous and super smart because you knew everything."
"I helped him with majority of the assignment."
"Yeah she did. Next question, how long have you been together? For about four months now." He said.
"Yeah, almost five?" I asked.
"Yeah. When did you know you were in love. I want to hear your answer first cause I already know mine." He turned toward me.
"I know the exact moment but I can't really share on camera." I laughed.
"Depending on what it is we will cut it out." He told me.
"The first night in California." I hesitantly said because Jake, Ethan and Ellie were in the room. A smile appeared on his face and he bit his lip.
"Oh, okay." He nodded. I playfully pushed him and he started to laugh. "Well I fell in love with you a few days before I asked you to be my girlfriend, as crazy as I sounds. I feel like we were already together before I made it official just cause we were always going on dates and acting like a couple so." He started to blush.
"Wow." I answered.
"Next question" Grayson yelled. "What do you like and dislike about me?"
"Oh god. Um, I'll start with dislike cause that ones harder. I dislike..." I thought for a little. "I don't know. You snore a lot."
"Well, sorry I have asthma." Grayson threw his hands in the air and I started to laugh.
"That's like, the least of my worries." I said. "But I like that, he's always the same when we're alone or with friends he always acts the same. Oh and he can always make me smile, no matter how bad of a day I am having he can make me smile." We smiled at each other and Grayson started to answer the question.
"I like that you don't make a big deal out of everything. Like if I can't do something for you or if one of my supporters come up to me while I'm like on a date with you, you don't mind or like you don't get mad. You're just super chill about everything. And a dislike... Uh, probably... Oh! Sometimes you forget to text back so I'm waiting for her to text me and I text her again and I'm like 'hey you alive?' And she's just like 'lol yeah I forgot to press send' or something." He said as I laughed. He scuffed after he spoke and started to laugh when he looked at me. "She thinks this is funny but I get really nervous." He said semi-laughing.
"Here's another thing, he's always super paranoid all the time."
"Well someone has to be if you're always going to be so chill about everything."
"It's okay, because I love you for that." I said.
"I love you too." He replied. "What's your name in each others phone? Mine is hold on." He scrolled until he got to my name and showed the camera. "So this is it.."

Babe 😍👌🏼

"And mine is.." I said and showed the camera.

Grayson ❤️

"It was actually kinda funny, he put his name like that in my phone the day we met." I said.
"It was so smooth, I asked her for her phone cause I told her my phone was dead but it wasn't and I put my number in there."
"Probably the best way to get a girls number." I added.
"Okay, we are moving onto favorites and just things we should know about each other. And whoever gets the most wrong has to get this delicious lemon meringue pie."
"I hate lemon merang pie." I mumbled.
"Well than know everything about me." He said as he handed his phone to Ethan so he could read off the questions.
"Favorite color." Ethan read off. We both answered at the same time and said "green." Afterward we looked at each other and gave each other a high five.
"Favorite school subject."
"English." Grayson answered.
"Science." I said and pointed at him. "I swear if you say lunch I will punch you so hard."
"You're right, Jesus." He flinched.
"Favorite movie."
"Napoleon Dynamite." I said.
"Hot Rod." He answered.
"You got it. High five." I put my hand up and he slightly missed my hand and hit my nose. I stopped where I was and started to laugh.
"I'm so sorry." Grayson laughed.
"No you're not." I joked with him.
"You're right, I was practicing." He said. I gave him a dirty look and we waited for the next question.
"Favorite cereal."
"Cinnamon toast crunch." We both said. Grayson automatically started yelling right after he heard what I said.
"NO! That's wrong!"
"What? Yes it is! You eat that almost every morning you stay at my house!" I argued with him.
"Nope! It's lucky charms." Grayson said.
"It's true." Ethan told me. "Next one, favorite ice cream."
"Pistachio." We both said.
"Why are you getting all of these right?" I asked under my breathe.
"Because I'm a great boyfriend." He said smiling at the camera.
"Birthday. When's their birthday."
"June 27." Grayson said right off the bat.
"It's coming up I know this." I said looking up at the ceiling to try and think. "December 16!" I said.
"Shoe size."
"She wears a six." Grayson said.
"10 and a half? I don't know." I laughed nervously because I knew I was wrong.
"Thirteen! I wore a ten in like middle school."
"I don't understand men's shoe sizes."
"Pet peeve."
"Noisy chewers." I said.
"People who flake out in the last minute?" He asked. I nodded my head and he started clapping. He knows everything! I was a little mind blown by how much he knew about me.
"Okay three more." Ethan said.
"Great." I rolled my eyes.
"What are you allergic to?"
"Animals with fur and suliva." I answered.
"Dust." Grayson answered.
"Favorite trait."
"His favorite trait of mine is probably my eyes." I answered.
"Yeah, and you like... I don't know this one." He said.
"Your smile." I told him.
"And last one, favorite artist."
"The Weeknd." We both said.
"I lost! No!" I yelled while Grayson screamed yes. He picked up the pie and opened it up.
"I would do anything for you to not to shove this in my face."
"Too late." Grayson said.
"No Grayson please don't!" I begged.
"Okay, you can throw this in my face if you get this question right." I nodded in agreement. "What is the exact date that I started vine?" He asked. At that moment I completely gave up because I had no clue.
"May-" I guessed before he lied me in the face.
"March 25 2013!" He yelled and laughed. When the tin slid off my face, my face was covered in pie.
"I can't see." I laughed. Grayson's hands started to whip the pie off my eyes and he started to laugh even harder. "This is what a bad girlfriend looks like." I looked in the camera and pointed at my face.
"Aw babe, you're the best girlfriend a guy could ask for." He pulled me in and kissed me, ignoring the pie all over my face. When he pulled away he had pie on his face and we started laughing again. Ethan came into the frame and they did their outro.
"Thanks for watching guys if you liked the video then thumbs up." Ethan said.
"And give a thumbs up for this cutie pie." Grayson joked.
"Alright, Peace!" Ethan yelled. They turned off the camera and Grayson grabbed my hands.
"Let's get you cleaned up." He laughed. He guided me to the bathroom and I took a shower before returning to my friends. We spent the night hanging out while Grayson and Ethan edited the video. It turned out really good and I was really glad we got to do this.

AN: So all these questions are all facts about Grayson and I. I just looked them up on their videos and fan accounts. So if you guys already knew all of these then high five!

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