Chapter 19- The Fight

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AN: it's the next day after Playlist at night. I just wanted to jump into it.

"Why are you texting him?!" Grayson yelled at me.
"Because he's my friend! Why else would I text him?" I yelled back at him. I was so angry with him.
"Oh yeah, friend. You know a friend wouldn't try coming into a relationship and attempt to mess it up. Or a friend would respect the fact that you have a boyfriend and lay off!" Grayson said accenting the word friend.
"I can have friends Grayson! Guy friends! Not every guy on the planet is trying to have sex with me! Either way I'm not even into Carter the way you think he's into me! There is no chemistry between us." I explained.
"Alex, what don't you understand about the fact all he wants is sex?! That's all he wanted with all his Ex Girlfriends and now you."
"I'm not just an object for sex! He understands nothing will happen between us! And he wasn't looking for just sex with his last girlfriends. He really love Maggie." I tried explaining to him.
"It's easy to just say that Alex! God, why are you so delusional?!" He yelled. I just got even more angry and stormed out of the room. "Alex come back!" I heard Grayson yell. I pressed the elevator button and he caught up to me. "Don't leave." He grabbed my arm. I yanked it out of his grip and went in the elevator. "Where are you going?" I immediately closed the door before he got to get inside. Once I got to the lobby I realized I didn't have my phone but I didn't want to go back up there, so I just kept walking right out the door.

Grayson's P.O.V.

I stood there I front of the elevator and called Alex. She wouldn't pick up so I had to go find her. I ran to my room and grabbed a jacket and Jake and Ethan came in.
"Dude what's going on?" Ethan asked.
"Yeah I heard you guys yelling from down the hall." Jake added.
"We got into a fight and now she's gone." I said putting on my shoes.
"Gone? She can't be. Let me call her." Ethan said as he pulled out his phone.
"She's not answering me. I doubt she's gonna answer-" I told him but got cut off from her phone ringing by the side table. I went over and picked it up. When Ethan hung up I saw her screen lock was still the picture of us at homecoming. She looked so happy, and I remembered how great that night was. It motivated me to go find her and bring her back to the hotel, safe.
"Let's go." I put down her phone and we walked out the door.
"Where are you going?" Ellie asked as she peaked her head out her and Ethan's room.
"Alex left. We need to find her." Ethan told her.
"I'm coming too." She said.
"No, it's late. Please stay here."
"She's my friend, I want to help."
"Ellie please. It's midnight. I will update you until we find her but for now I can't worry about you also. I'm sorry." Ethan told her.
"Okay. But please be safe." She kissed him. I looked down and thought to myself: you shouldn't of let her go so easily. We started heading out and when we got outside quickly formulated a plan.
"Ethan you go right, jake you go straight, I'll go left." I told them. "Text me when and if you find her, and I will let you guys know."
"What is she wearing?" Jake asked.
"A black a white baseball shirt, and probably some black pants." I said. They nodded their heads and we started going in the directions I gave. She could have been anywhere by now. I started running because I had no time to waist. Every now and then I would call out her name in the hopes she would respond, but with what happened I doubted she would answer me. I just hope she's safe. There was a man sitting on the side of the road and I ran up to him, hopefully he saw her.
"Excuse me sir." I yelled. He looked over to me and you could tell he was truly homeless. Not one of those people who pretend to be homeless for money.
"Have you seen a girl about this tall, dark brown hair, blue eyes, wearing a black and white baseball shirt, black pants?" I asked. He thought for a while and answered me. "I'm not completely sure I think I saw her go that way but I could be mistaking her for someone else. I'm sorry I'm not much help." He said.
"It's okay, here." I reached in my pocket and pulled a 20 dollar bill out of my wallet. "Go get something to eat." The mans eyes lit up and he smiled.
"Thank you so much sir. God bless you." His eyes started to water.
"God bless you." I said and I ran off to find Alex. As I ran, my phone started to ring. It was Ethan.
"You find her?" I asked.
"No, but I found someone who saw her. I think she went to the beach." He told me.
"I'm on my way. Call Jake." I told him I hung up the phone and darted toward the beach, praying she would be there. I started thinking about what could potentially happen to her and my heart started to race. She could have gotten kidnapped, raped, someone could have attacked her. It pushed me to run faster so I could get to her as soon as I could.

After a few minutes of running, I got to the beach and Ethan was already looking for her there. I could hear him call her name, so he was close.
"Ethan!" I yelled and ran toward his voice.
"Grayson?!" He yelled back. When I got to him I couldn't breathe. "Gray! You okay?" He said when he got up to me.
"I need to find her." I pushed out.
"We will, okay? Just calm down. Breathe."
"No, I need to find her." I told him as I scanned the beach.
"We will!" Ethan said. Jake ran up to us and said he hasn't found her yet. I was about to have a panic attack.
"What if we can't find her?" I asked.
"We will Grayson!" Ethan told me.
"Look how big this fucking beach is! She could be anywhere by now! It will take hours just to find her on the beach. What if someone took her? What if-" Ethan cut me off.
"Don't think like that. Why don't Gray, you go this way, I'll go that way, and Jake-"
"I'm gonna look out there. Just in case." He said. We started heading our separate ways.

Ethan's P.O.V.

I was really nervous about Alex. She was like a little sister to me so I was hoping for the best. Grayson, Jake and I had been looking for 2 hours now. It was almost 3. I started walking up this bed of rocks and found a body sitting by the shore. I knew it had to be Alex. I ran over and called her name.
"Alex! Alex!" I yelled she looked over. I kneeled down next to her and she had been crying. "We have been looking for you for the last two hours." I told her.
"I'm sorry." She said.
"Why did you leave?" I asked her.
"I couldn't stand me and Grayson fighting anymore. I just wanted to think, and I use to come here when I lived out here to think. I'm so sorry. I should have come back, or grabbed my phone." She said.
"I need to call Grayson." I said.
"Please don't." She said.
"Why not?"
"I don't want him to be mad at me anymore." She said I stopped and look at her. I saw a tear go down her cheek and it broke my heart. I had to tell Grayson where she was though. I know he won't react the way she thinks he will, he will probably feel better that he knew where she was.

After I told him, he had never sounded more relieved in his life. Within minutes he ran over to us.

Alex's P.O.V.

I heard Grayson call out my name and I looked over. I got up and started walking towards him. He ran up to me and took me into his arms and hugged me as tight as he could.
"Don't ever run away like that ever again. I'm so sorry." He said. He started crying and squeezed me tighter. The fact that he was crying made me cry again.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I said.
"I don't care anymore. I'm just glad we found you." He said. We hugged for a little and I tried to apologize again.
"I'm so sorry." I said to him. He let go of me and cupped my cheeks and looked me straight in the eye.
"Don't apologize. I'm just glad you're safe and that we found you." He said. He pulled me in again for another hug and said "I couldn't forgive myself if something happened to you." We hugged for another five minutes and started heading to the hotel with Ethan and Jake. Once we got up to our room I got changed into a loose shirt and crawled into bed. Grayson put on his sweats and took off his shirt and crawled into bed with me. He rested his head on my chest and wrapped an arm around me.
"I'm glad you're back." He mumbled. I rested my head on his and pulled him in as close as I could.
"Grayson, I'm sor-"
"Don't worry about it. I just want to enjoy our time together." He said. I kissed the top of his head and started to relax.

After a while of laying together I finally said something. "Babe?"
"Yes?" His voice was starting to get raspy. He was really tired.
"You really stink." I chuckled. He lifted his head and laughed a little.
"Well, that happens when you run all over California." He said. My smile started to fade and he noticed so he said "I'm kidding baby." He leaned in and kissed my lips. "Smile for me." I did a small smile and he smiled back. "That's what I like to see." He said. I looked over to the clock and saw it was four in the morning. We had to be at the convention center by 10:30.
"We should go to sleep." I told him. He looked over at the time and said "Oh shit." He laughed a little. He rolled over and turned off the light and rolled back to me.
"Good night my beautiful girl." He said.
"Good night babe."

Hopelessly Devoted to YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora