Chapter 13- Come with Me

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I woke up to Grayson kissing my nose while his arms were wrapped around me.
"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you up." His voice was still tired. It was so raspy and deep.
"No it's okay." I kissed him on the lips. Before I knew it, it was a full blown make out session. He pulled me on top of him and his fingers ran up and down my sides under his shirt that I was wearing. Our make out session got interrupted when my phone started to ring. I looked over and saw it was one of my old friends in California. Her name was Jasmine and I hadn't talked to her since I moved.
"I'm sorry." I said as I got off of him and grabbed my phone and answered. "Jasmine?"
"Alex? Oh my god, you little shit!" She yelled.
"What?" I asked knowing she wasn't serious.
"One, you haven't talked to me in months! And two, you're dating Grayson Dolan! What the hell!?" She yelled. Grayson started to laugh.
"Uh, yeah. I kinda am." I laughed.
"Wait, is that Caleb laughing?" She asked.
"Um. No." I said hoping she wouldn't freak out like she usually does.
"Who is th- is that? Oh my god is that Grayson?!" She yelled.
"Hi." Grayson said still laughing. She didn't respond. I think she was in shock that Grayson was actually there.
"Jasmine?" I asked still kinda laughing.
"Alex I need to soak this in for a little bit I will text you later." She said in a straight tone.
"Okay bye." I said.
"Bye!" Grayson yelled. We hung up and continued to laugh.
"No where were we?" I asked trying to kiss him but he pulled away. I gave him a look and he started to talk.
"Why haven't you told me about your life in California?" He asked. I sat back and replied.
"I just didn't find it important." I lied. I really couldn't tell him about my life in California.
"Well, I was wondering. I got the email about Playlist live a couple of days ago, and this one is in California so I was thinking maybe you could come with me and then we can also see all your old friends. You can show me all the things you use to do. Your old school. Then we can go to Disney Land together and you will be with me the whole time and we wouldn't have to spend five days apart." He said with a smile on his face. Did it really have to be California? It sounded great but I really couldn't go back.
"Babe I'd really love to, but I don't know if my dad would let me."
"I talked to him the other day and he was cool with it."
"I want to say yes but-"
"Just say yes babe! Your dad is okay with it and I really don't think I can spend five whole days without you." He begged. I couldn't imagine spending five days without him too. I spend everyday with him, I would go insane if I couldn't see him for five whole days.
"Okay. I will go with you." I gave in. He cheered and gave me a kiss.
"I love you Alex! This is going to be one of the best trips!" Grayson said he kissed me again.
"I love you too." I laughed. He jumped out of the bed and went to tell Ethan. I loved seeing him this happy.

The rest of the day we just watched movies and chilled with Ethan and Ellie. It was nice to have a chill day after two nights of partying. Especially with my best friends. Ellie was also going to California which was exciting because when Grayson and Ethan have to do their stuff I wouldn't be alone. Around 5 my brother picked me up to go home. I told him about the trip and he was just as unsure as I was about going to California.
"Are you going to be okay?" He asked me.
"I hope so." I answer as I starred at my phone while I was texting Jasmine.
"You can always say no." He said.
"I know and I was going to but he already talk to dad and he really wanted me to go."
"Well, as long as you're okay. You know you can call me whenever you need to."
"I know Caleb." I laughed.

When we got home I went up to my room to continue talking to Jasmine. She had so many questions about him and how we met. She went just about crazy when I told her about how he asked me to be his girlfriend. He response was literally: "ndndficiwnsdoapcnd WHAT!!? THATS SO CUTE OMG!! I CANT RN I CANT! IM GOING TO DIE! WOW WTF THATS SOME MOVIE SHIT" I laughed at her response. After talking to her and catching up, I realized I missed her a lot. She was my best friend and she was there for me when I needed her. I decided to tell her back how I was going out there and she got really excited. She made me promise to visit her, and come see the team because according to her everyone misses me. I gave me a little more comfort in going out there, but I still wasn't sure if I was ready.

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