Chapter 3- Questions

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Alex's P.O.V.

Throughout my second day at the school I started to meet more people who either really liked me, or hated my guts. Some people were really overwhelming inviting while others would stare at me with the face of death as if they were plotting to kill me. I didn't understand what I did to them or why they had such a strong opinion like that when they haven't even talked to me before.

In my science class, I only had Grayson in that class that I was willing to talk to and work with. I think this class had the most people who hated me. Grayson and I sat at the lab bench and started our work. He was so easily distracted and would rather talk to me than get his work done. The work was easy, we could talk after but I couldn't resist him.
"What do you like to do?" Grayson asked me. I didn't know what made him think of that question.
"As in for fun?" I asked.
"Well, cheerleading, dancing, I ride my penny board sometimes-"
"Really? Penny board? All the girls I know are to scared of falling off and getting hurt." He grew a bigger smile on his face than before.
"Yeah." I laughed. "Well it's kinda hard to get scared of falling off a board when you are used to people throwing you in the air for cheerleading."
"What kind of dancing do you do?"
"My brother and I took break dancing classes in California so yeah, break dancing." I said. "What do you like to do?"
"Longboard, penny board, the obvious making vines."
"You make vines?" I laughed.
"Uh yeah." He laughed also. "You've never seen me before?"
"Am I suppose to?" I asked as I continued to laugh.
"You really don't recognize me?"
"I don't know?" I answered him. He pulled out his phone and showed me a vine of him and his brother dancing.
"You still don't recognize me?" He asked again.
"No." He then pulled up one with him, his brother, Nash Grier, and the Jacks. It was one that I have seen before that I had actually revined.
"Oh! Now I do! Oh my god!" I said.
"Wow, usually people recognize Ethan and I right off the bat." He laughed.
"I'm sorry. Wow I can't believe that's you." I said looking at his phone. Our teacher yelled to turn off the video and continue our work. "I'm sorry I didn't recognize you." I said.
"Don't apologize. I mean it was nice meeting someone who wasn't screaming at me." He laughed.
"I bet." I thought for a second. "That makes so much sense." I said under my breathe.
"Ellie was telling me that people loved you and Ethan yesterday but it makes sense! I thought it was just because you were really attractive." I said and immediately covered my mouth. "Oh my god, I didn't mean to say that, I mean it's true but I didn't mean to say that. Wow this is awkward." I said as I freaked out. I couldn't believe I said that out loud.
"You're so cute." He smiled at me and rested his head in his hand. My stomach dropped as he said that and the heat started to rush to my cheeks. He said that. To me. You're so cute. I wanted to reply but I just sat there smiling like an idiot. As I was catching my breath little giggles started to come out. Why was I so weird?! Why couldn't I say something smooth or even just a thank you? I looked so stupid in front of him. The bell rang signaling that class was over and lunch was starting. Grayson got up and grabbed my books.
"Let's go to lunch." He said. I got up and followed him.
"I could carry my books you know." I said. He looked over at me a flashed his cute little side smile and said "I got it."

As we walked to my locker and to the lunchroom everyone was staring again. It was like I was in a zoo, and I was the animal. Soon enough we reached the table where Ethan, Ellie, and a few other football players and cheerleaders were. I sat in the chair next to Ethan and Grayson sat next to me. They were talking about the homecoming game that the whole school was preparing for. From the football players, to the cheerleaders, the student council, and the homecoming dance committee. I kept to myself while the table discussed the plans for that Friday and Saturday. Ellie took charge of that while she read her plans from a small notebook she seemed really organized.
"Okay, so after the prep rally we can get our nails done since we will have two hours until warm up. We can carpool that and to the stadium, the warm ups, then the game, then the after party... Who's house are we having it at?" She asked.
"Gray?" Ethan said his name as if it was permission to have the party there.
"We can ask." He answered.
"Okay, then Saturday everyone can come over to my house and take pictures and we can go out to eat and then the dance, then the party bus." She said. "I will send you guys the agenda later." Ethan started to laugh a Ellie looked at him. "What?"
"You." He simply said.
"What about me?" She asked.
"The fact that you planned all of this."
"Well someone has to." She smiled. He smiled at her and kissed her on the cheek. "Alex you want to go dress shopping together?" She directed her attention to me.
"Oh, I wasn't even sure if I was gonna go."
"You have to go!" She yelled.
"Yeah! Come on it would be so much fun if you went!" Ethan added.
"I don't know." I shrugged.
"Come on! You'll regret not going!" She begged.
"You really should go." Grayson added on to her begging.
"Alex, I will even buy your ticket!" Ethan said.
"Okay, okay. I'll go. But I will buy my own ticket." I said.
"Good! Because I don't want to go dress shopping alone." She laughed. I was surprised by the fact that they wanted me there so badly. I looked over and saw my brother come sit at our table.
"Hey, what took you so long?" I asked him.
"Don't worry about it." He said. He looked annoyed. As much as I wanted to ask him what was wrong I knew that he wouldn't tell me. At least not here. I hated feeling helpless. Especially with him. He was always someone who helped me and looked out for me so when I can't return the favor it bothers me.
"Okay." I answered him. Caleb looked up at me and looked back to his phone.
"Grayson." A girl said. I looked over and saw Chloe walking toward us. "Hey you're coming to my party Friday right?" She asked him and placed her hand on his shoulder.
"Maybe." He pushed her hand off her shoulder.
"I really hope I see you there." She winked at him. When she walked away she made sure to flash me a dirty look. I looked away and looked at my hands. Friday was our date. Did he forget already? He just asked me. I kept looking at my hands as he looked at his phone. I didn't ask him about it. I didn't want to come off as pushy if I reminded him that our date was Friday.
"Hey do you guys want to come over after practice?" Ethan asked.
"Sure." Ellie answered.
"Uh yeah. Caleb? Are you?" I asked him.
"Probably not. You can though." He said.
"Okay. You sure?" I asked him. He finally smiled, the first time he smiled all lunch.
"Yeah. Go have fun." He answered. I smiled at him and looked over at Grayson who was already looking at me. I looked to Ethan and asked him "what are we going to do?"
"Just watch movies? Hang out?"

The rest of the day went by pretty fast. I told Mama G that I was going to be staying on the team and she got really happy. I got my uniform and practice shirts. The uniform was super cute too! It was blue, black, and white, with some silver accents. After practice we loaded into the car and headed to the Dolan's house.

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