"You dare touch my son and my wife while you are a guest - no matter how unwanted you are- in my home!" He hissed viciously, choking him. Alder drew his fist back ready to strike when Alpha Solomon Galloway stepped into the room. 

"Stop." Was all he said quietly, however the command was heard and felt across the room and the two men released each other.

Anderson Galloway, who was literally carrying a still sobbing Lily walked forward into the now crowded foyer. He suddenly stopped, his form going rigid and he turned slowly towards Maddox, who was rubbing his sore throat.

"You smell like her." He whispered, his eyes hazel eyes beginning to glow softly. It was as if his actions were not his own as he dropped Lily, rather abruptly to the floor and launched himself at him. The door was not strong enough to absorb the impact this time and they broke through it with a loud splinter of wood.

Anderson could barely control himself, he had never felt so wild and feral in his life. Although their wolves could not physically talk to them their grunts, growls, and animal-like thoughts and urges that entered his mind were all the communication he needed to understand him, and right now he was urging him to rip apart the stubborn male in front of him. However, just as he was about to tear into him a stronger hand grabbed his shoulder, throwing him back a few feet into the mud soaking him further. He looked up noticing the pouring rain for the first time that night.

"You both behave like children," Solomon growled calmly. One thing that everyone knew about Solomon was that he did not speak often and he never yelled because his dominance was enough to shut everyone down. He turned to the rest of the party and narrowed his eyes. "As far as I am concerned this is not a pack issue." He turned back to the two young men. "This is a personal problem, therefore all of you are not needed in this decision. I understand that you want what your daughter wants Alder but your behavior has been unacceptable today and punishments will be dealt out-" He leveled his gaze directly at his son then. "-to all. We will let our children handle their own lives with no interference from us, and that is an order, it is between them and God now." He finished, taking his wife's hand and leading her towards their car.

Anderson turned away, growling to himself and stalked towards his car. He ripped open the door and got in slamming the door shut bitterly. If he was the full Alpha he would have thrown Maddox Howell out on his tail a long time ago, but alas his father had yet to hand over full rights to the pack and therefore all major decisions - such as the removal of pack members- were not up to him yet. He waited for Lily to get in the car and they sat in silence as they watched the others pulling out of the driveway and driving off, while the Torres went back into their house. He pulled out and began the short drive to his house, figuring that Lily had nothing to say, when a sharp blow hit him directly in the eye and he winced, almost swerving the car off of the road. 

"This is all your fault!" She screeched, punching him again in the shoulder this time and sat back in her seat with a huff. "You made me look like an idiot today!" He was about to apologize but she turned away abruptly. "What are you waiting for you, idiot?! Drive!"

He started to drive again, taking in a shaky breath. He already knew that there was more drama in store for him tonight. He needed to prepare himself.



"What have you done now Maddox?" Aspen asked, shaking her head. Maddox's temper flared as he watched his perfect step-siblings look on at him in disappointment as well while his stepfather looked deep in thought.

"How is this my fault, I haven't done anything wrong!" He said snidely, walking through the hole in the wall and towards his car.

"Where are you going?" She snapped, following him into the now clear night.

"Don't act like you care now mother, it's sickening." He bit back.

"What does that mean?!" She asked, confusion on her face.

"Whatever." He all but snarled, making the word sound way more threatening.

"Do not disrespect your mother like that son!" Torres commanded, coming to stand beside his wife. Maddox whipped around at his "command" so fast that his mother jumped back in shock.

"Do not act like you're my father, because you're not, and don't ever call me son!" He spoke through gritted teeth. "And you, my own mother, who would rather claim his children in public instead of her only child doesn't know what I'm talking about?" He asked incredulously. Memories of when he was in grade school flew by in his mind, he was always ostracized from his two perfect step-siblings and made to feel inferior to whatever they did. The most prominent one being when his mom forgot to pick him up from the movie theater because she was too busy watching his step-siblings middle school spelling bee. He had to walk home in the ran that day and had caught a high fever but, his mom was too busy at the twins swim meet to care. Oh wait, she had sent a nanny to the house to watch him who had later determined he had pneumonia and rushed him to the hospital.

Aspen stuttered at a loss for words at the hurt look on her sons face.

"Yes!" Maddox screamed. "I hear you and your friends speaking behind closed doors. About how Antonio's kids are so driven, Antonio's kids would never do this, Antonio's kids are ambassadors for the Were community, why can't Maddox be more like Francis? Because, news flash! I'm not them and I'm sick and tired of being treated like we should have been triplets." He yelled, not caring about their neighbors as he walked away.

He had never liked this place anyway.




Any thoughts on how the story is going so far?

How about Maddox's family?

Freedom Series: Chasing ButterfliesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora