"That was extreme." Spencer comments, pointing the video camera at her.

Demi glances at her. "Are you okay? The bullet didn't hit you, right?" She asks her.

"Does it look like I'm in pain?" Spencer raise a brow at her.

Demi looks her over, and was satisfied that the girl wasn't bleeding to death. "No," She says, and returns her attention to the road.

Taking a quick glance in the rear view mirror, Demi saw that Rita and Haruki were right behind her. She didn't see Jasper though.

Looking back to the road in front of her, she saw that she had to turn in the next exit, and that she has caught up with the other racers.

Exiting the highway, Spencer says, "This is insane, you are insane, slow down I'm gonna have a heart attack!"

Demi laughs, looking at her pale face. "Babe, just calm down, we're not gonna-oh shit!" Demi turns the wheel to the right sharply, dodging what looked like oil was spreading on the road, and into a building.

Realizing quickly it was a parking lot building, Demi drifts sharply on the turns, wanting to go to the top.

"What are you planning?!" Spencer says, moving the video camera back and forth from Demi and the road.

"Something crazy." Demi mumbles to herself, and speeds onto the top floor. Pressing down even more on the accelerator, Demi saw a wide window at the end of the parking lot.

She goes for it.

"Hold on!" Demi says, and she crashes through the window, with Spencer screaming beside her. Now in the air, Demi saw that they were heading to the ground, and to cushion their fall, a truck that was gonna load cars.

Landing on the truck, she quickly backs up and waves at the workers, before speeding back on the road and back in the race.

Spencer breathes. "That was crazy."

Demi nods. "It was. But I do a lot of crazy shit."

"Oh thank God we're not dead," She says, and sighs.

Continuing on with the race, Demi finished in third place, much to her dislike. The rest of the race was filled with sharp turns, speeding cars and Spencer screaming every chance she thinks they're gonna crash or die. But, at least Demi and her friends pass this race.

Drifting to a stop, Demi looks over at Spencer. She was pale as a ghost now. "So, what do you think?"

Holding up a finger, Spencer takes out her seat belts, opens the door, collapse onto her knees on the street and throws up.

Eyes widening, Demi quickly turns off her car and pushes open the door, hurrying over to the blond girl throwing up her guts. Demi pats her back, and holds up her hair for her.

A crowd surrounds them from all places, and Demi looks up as a Australian woman grasp their attention. "Racers! What a extreme race! First came Francisco, the Italian street racer! Second came our very own Jasper Hayes! Next, the American Demi Lovato!" She says the next positions, and shoos off the losers of the race.

Spencer stop throwing up, and sits on her calves, whipping her mouth with the back of her hand as Demi looks down at her. "Way too fast." She grumbles.

Demi chuckles, and pats her head as Spencer leans her weight against Demi.

"The next race is in Tokyo, Japan! Good luck to the racers, and you all know the drill! I hope you all had a good time in Australia, and hey, come back if you want," She says, and then the crowd starts to spread out, talking with people.

Demi helps Spencer back onto her feet, and grabs her shoulders. "You okay kid?"

Spencer nods, looking at Demi with dazed eyes. "I'll be fine." She waves her off.

Demi smile, and ruffles her hair. She looks back when she heard people walking toward them.

"Hey," Rita grins. "we're going to Tokyo, how fucking cool is that?" She high five Demi.

"I know right, it's gonna be awesome." Demi says, and looks over at Haruki, Jasper and her prison inmates.

"Guys, anything we can do for you before we leave?" Demi looks at them.

They shrug, and Nat says. "That race was awesome. But no, we're gonna be alright, we got plans." She says and Demi nods.

"Hey belle!" Demi heard the familiar voice of Francisco, and she stiffens, but turns around to look at him.

Francisco winks at her, and grins. "Great race," He says from a few cars away, surrounded by people.

"Fuck you you bastard!" Demi flips him the finger. Then spins back to look at her friends.

Nat raises a brow. "What did he do to you?"

"He used her." Haruki answers for Demi.

"Oh really? Which one is his car?" Nat says, clenching her jaw. Jasper points to Francisco's car.

"That one, why?" He asks, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"You guys might want to run." Nat says, before walking over to Francisco car. The group watches in confusion as Nat walks to the car, then grabs what looks like a pole before smashing it into the windshield, shattering the glass.

"Oh fuck!" Demi swears, and the group bolts, the racers running to their cars while the escapees to other directions.

She laughs as she gets in her car, and waves at Nat as Spencer gets in too, Nat gives her a nod before running too, Francisco yelling at her.

Turning on the car, Demi backs up and drives away from the scene.

"So," Demi looks over at Spencer. "ever been to Tokyo?"

"No, but I know it's gonna be awesome."


Hello guys, hope you're enjoying the story so far. Anyways, I wanted to tell you that I will be starting college soon, and I'm gonna balance that while still in high school, and so I may be busy, or whatever, and updates may be slow, idk, but I just wanted to tell you guys that. That's bout it, so cya!

Twitter // @nashtorres16

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