xxii - The Japanese Haruki Fujimoto

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"SERIOUSLY?" DEMI WHISPERS UNDER HER breath as she knew she was outnumbered. But she could take them all. She was the Beast after all.

"I hope you all know what you're getting yourselves into," Demi tells them, getting into a fighting position.

"I am after all," Demi smirks at them. "the Beast."

The guy lunged at her first, swirling his fist at her. She ducks and kicks him in the stomach, before grabbing his hair and smashing him into the wall. A hand grabs the back of her shirt and pulls her back forcefully, then a elbow juts Demi in the jaw. She swears profoundly as the person kicks her, sending her to the ground.

Demi spits out some blood and glares at her attackers. "Blow my cojones," She spats before lunging at one of them that were closet.

She punches the person hard then jumps off them and landing on her feet. She spins around, her leg outstretched and hitting another in the jaw.

Someone tackles her to the ground from behind, forcing Demi landing on her side, pain exploded from it but she ignore it as they kept her pin to the ground.

"Mamá bichos!" Demi yelled at them, her hands pinned behind her back.

Demi thrash wildly in their grip, swearing profoundly at her attackers, trying to lose herself free but no use, they were much stronger than her. But then someone came to her rescue. Even if she didn't wanted to be rescued.

Someone pushes the person off of her, kicking the guy in the face then attacking the other attackers. Demi got up and jump on one of them, wrapping her arms around his neck and holding tightly so they couldn't breathe. She helds him there in her hold until they pass out, watching the man who had help her go all ninja style on their asses.

Getting up, she turns around to look at the others. They were all laying limply on the ground, unconscious, the guy who help her standing there.

"Damn. What the fuck are you? A ninja?" Demi asks, wiping some blood away from her mouth.

The man chuckles, wiping off his hands. "Actually, they call me the Shadow." He says and Demi realize quickly who he was.

He's Shadow. The Japanese street racer, famous for his races because they say he's move so fast like a shadow.

"Haruki Fujimoto," He says, bowing.

Demi awkwardly bows too. "Demi Lovato, or popularly known as the Beast." She says and walks over to him, they shook hands.

"You owe me one, Beast." Haruki says, smirking at her and Demi raises a brow, smiling.

"How bout a beer for that?"

"That does sound amazing."


"So the asshole comes in here, and goes all ninja karate on their asses and I'm like what the fuck? Dude, what the fuck are you? A goddamn ninja?" Demi says, her hand wrap around a Corona while Rita looks at Haruki impressed.

"Wow. You gotta teach me sometime." She says, nodding at him.

Haruki chuckles deeply, raising his glass of beer to his lips and taking a sip while Spencer watch their exchange with wide eyes, sitting next to Demi. She had a soda instead of them, who all had some kind of alcohol in their grasp.

Spencer leans back in her seat, smiling. "Thanks for helping her back there," She says, nodding at him.

Demi scoffs, rolling her eyes. "I didn't need the help. I was doing perfectly fine on my own. Those bitches didn't stand a chance." She says, taking a swing at her Corona.

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