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Happy chatter and smiles surrounds every conversation as people feast. Why not be happy? It is the Feast of the Moon, a special day celebrated for the Moon Goddess and all she has done for us. A chance to forget all sorrow and focus on the good in life.

I have lots to be happy for. My healthy twins, happy parents, thriving kingdom, but my heart is heavy for my mate isn't here to celebrate with us.

Giggling of a baby girl puts a smile on my face. My twins have grown so big. They are walking, running, and speaking baby gibberish. Some words are actual words, but mostly baby talk.

My little girl giggles cutely again, she's been a real giggle monster lately, but I find it really cute. Paige is a delight to everyone.

My little boy screams happily all the time, I don't no where he got that from, but as long as he is happy then I'm fine with it. Luckily Payton hasn't screamed yet, bit it's just a matter of time.

Along with Paige's giggling, a banging of a fork on plastic. In three... Two... One..

"Ahhhhhh!" There's my little man.

"The little prince is still into screaming, I hear." William chuckles from beside Payton.

"Yeah, he loves screaming." I chuckle. "But whatever makes him happy."

William grins at my little prince. "Your kids are going to be a handful when they become teenagers."

I snort. "That's an understatement."

"You'll manage. You always do." William grins taking a drink from the mug.

"How are you enjoying the feast, Leon?" Brandon ask, looking over his mate's shoulder.

Taking a drink of kool-aid, yes the Alpha King drinks kool-aid now, I can't have alcohol, I have the twins to take care of.

"I miss Emmett, I want him to be here celebrating with me, the twins, the packs." I smirk at the end, thinking of last year's feast.

"Usually I'll be partying with the rest, but now I don't see the point in it." I take a sip of my kool-aid.

William chuckles. "Yeah, the alpha went from partying bachelor, to mated daddy in less than a year. Now daddy alpha is drinking kool-aid instead of beer.

"You've grown, Leon. Taking care of your twins, not straying from your mate, leading the kingdom, being a great mate and daddy. Not drowning in depression. Everyone is so proud of you." Brandon praises.

Leaning back in my seat, I glance around the hall. "There's no need to be proud of me. They're my babies, of course I'll take care of them, I love them and their daddy. So I would never cheat on him, why hurt the one person that is designed only for me. I haven't been a great mate because Emmett isn't here, but I can be the best father to our twins. As for the depression, I'm floating, I haven't sunk yet."

As Brandon goes to speak, my cell rings, cutting him off. The ringtone shuts down all chatter, it's like we all know whose on the other end.

Taking a deep breathe, to calm the nerves, I press the green button. Bringing the phone to my ear, I say hello.

The voice on the other end reaches every ear. "Alpha King, I'm calling about Lt. Emmett Johnson."

"Is he..."

The Commander of the Marines breathes out. "Oh no, if that happened Marines would be at your door. I'm calling because you are my king, and I wanted you to know sooner than later."

Relief flows through my voice. "Is he alright then?"

"Johnson was hit by a grenade, the doctors are operating on him now, but Leon, it doesn't look good." The Commander voice softens at the end.

"What are his wounds?" I choke out, hating that my mate is in any kind of pain.

"Burns on his right side from the grenade, and bruising on the left from hitting a wall. The doctors said he'll live, but with permanent scaring."

I breathe out. "I don't care about the scaring. I just want him to be alright."
"I have good new in all this, Lt. Johnson has been medically discharged. He will be going home tomorrow at nine o'clock."

A grin crawls on my face. After so long, my mate is finally coming home. I'll finally get to see him, the twins get to have their daddy back. We can be a family again, our family complete.

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome, my king." The. The commander hangs up.

Placing my phone back in my pocket, I stand, all eyes on me. "Your Queen is coming home!"

The crowd roars to life. Claps and howls fill the hall, excitement for their Queen coming home. Glancing around the crowd, I see a certain person with an ugly frown and pissed eyes.

Not dwelling on it, I take my babies in my arms. Kissing their chubby cheeks, I hug them tightly to my chest.

"Daddy's coming home!"

My little ones claps their tiny hands together and squeal in delight. They have been waiting for their daddy. Now they finally get to have their daddy back, and I get my mate.

Finally! I get to see him smile, hear him laugh, feel his skin, taste his lips. Waiting will kill me, but it will be all worth it.

Marine MateHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin