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I stood up from the bed and took off the ghastly clothes I had been made to wear.

Disgusting. I mean who wears boxers to sleep, except that horrid girl Cyra. She didn't even have the mental acumen to name me, so I was here, stuck with the identity she feared the most; big bad wolf from Little red riding hood.

I didn't even get a choice in the matter.

I grabbed a change of clothes and my phone (considering my fingerprint controls it I'm justified in my claim.) I went through the window and swung downwards using a tree that was close to my room window. I slid down the trunk, ignoring the pain from the motion, that'll be her problem. 

I revealed my private play list and put on Cursum Perficio by Enya. It had this ominous tone to it that I really liked.

As I made my way to my haven I knew I had to come up with a better explanation for Martin. The poor boy was probably embarrassed by the events of earlier today; with the benefit of hindsight I probably shouldn't have told him about his cute features. The campfire burned dimly in the cemetery as I pushed the gate and it swung open.

I went in and joined the so called "social outcasts". As I took a seat on Tola Oniran 1973-2015 a dear mother and wife, a random guy who was on the next gravestone nodded at me and I ignored him, no need for any unwanted attention.


For the love of God!!!!

I turned and faced Martin. Contrary to her horrible taste in everything else, Cyra got one thing right; he was cute. You simply wanted to slice him up and...

I digress.

"Hello," I said facing him.

"Slow down," he said "We need to clarify what happened today "What was that about?"

"I'm really sorry Martin. Seeing as you don't even know my name I think I'm  in the clear to do whatever I want."

He ran his hand through his hair and realised I was right. "I'm sorry," he said "Let's try this again."

Nice save wolf girl.

"I'm Martin," he said "I live a few houses away?"

I think of a name to tell him.

Oh well; since I'm the big bad wolf I might as well play the part.

"I'm Lupa." I smile, revealing my pearl white teeth. My word play and translation of wolf to Latin amuses me; Cyra didn't use the brain half as well as I did.

I spend about thirty minutes with Martin, talking about everything and nothing. I don't want him to get too intrusive about my personal life, which I don't have much of thanks to the other one.


Well off to my other tasks.

I made my way to what I call The factory; my mini-lair. For weeks I'd been planning my endgame, every second I could steal from the girl I put into this. This war must be fought on multiple fronts, and it is a war I fully intended to win.

I opened the trapdoor hatch and went down the ladder. The poor man is tied to the chair and I nudge him awake.

He was initially startled but he gained his bearing. "What do you want?" He said as he struggled to free himself. I walked to the table and picked up a knife and a pair of leather gloves.

"Mr. David the newspaper vendor," I said "Nothing personal."

I picked up the tiny phone and dialled the emergency services. "Good evening what's your emergency?"

I stabbed the knife downwards at his chest and he cried out, though I'm sure no one can hear him, except maybe over the phone. I keep going till his shouts are muffled, clouded with pain. He is barely alive.

"The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water sprout." I sang to myself "Down came the rain and washed the spider out..."

I slit his throat and cleaned the knife on his chest. Dropping the weapon next to him I turned to leave the room. It was time for bed.

Let the games begin.

RED RIDING HOODDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora