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We rented a hotel room since there would be two shows in San Fran. There were three bedrooms; Mike and Sean slept in the same room since they're having an 'affair'; Layne and Jerry slept together since Layne is the baby of the band and Jerry is the daddy (no pun intended); and then I slept in my own room.

They guys stayed up drinking and it was a very weird night. They invited a whole bunch if girls to the room and threw a party. I think it was Mike's idea. That animal.

They started blasting music from every place possible, very loud music too. I think it was like Metallica or something. Susan and I were standing in the background, she said to me, "Want to go for a walk?"

"Sure!" We headed out and took a walk down the streets of San Fransisco.

"I've been meaning to talk to you, Marney." She said sounding serious.

"Me too, Susan. It's also pretty important." I told her. "You go first though."

"Alright, well, you know how I'm managing two bands right? And how Soundgarden really needs help with their latest record, well I wanted to ask you if you want to join my managment company and maybe manage Alice in Chains for a while. While I get everything sorted out?" I was blown away that she chose ME. I'd love to the guys have been my brothers for te last 4 years.

"It'd be an honour, Susan!" I said giving her a hug. Although I'm only 19, I think I'll be able to pull it off.

"Thank you so much, I need to fly back to Seattle tomorrow. Think you'll manage?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine "

We were in a small little coffee shop at that time and had just finished up our drinks. You could hear the party from here, meaning it was pretty rowdy. We began to walk back.

"Now, what did you want to tell me?" She asked.

"Well, uh, Layne, he kind of got into heroin." I said trying to be quiet.

"No! Not again! Shit, what are we going to do?!" She panicked, ran back to the hotel and sent everyone out of the room for a band meeting.

"Guys, gather 'round. And Mike! Get that girl out of here." She was on fire, like red as hell.

"Alright, so it's come to my attention that someone been doing somethings that are pretty bad. Now, I won't name names, but which one of you dill-heads is doing heroin?"

The room was silent. Layne eventually spoke to Susan in private though and that was good. I ended up hiring a guy to watch out for him.

We all woke up early to wish Susan a farewell and thank you. She really seemed sad in leaving, but, Soundgarden needed her so she has to go.

"I'll miss you guys!" She said waving from the taxi. We gave her air hugs and she was on her way.

This will be interesting.

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