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"What the fuck" Mike said laughing waking Layne and I up. Shit, they saw us.

"Hey, Layne, did you have fun with Mike's little sister?" Jerry asked Mike and we both gave him the death glare. "Jesus, sorry" he said and walked away.

"He couldn't sleep, so he asked if I could go to sleep with him and I said yes." I explained but Mike just walked away offended. How was he offended?


Jerry began the car and we were off to San Fransisco. This is the city I wanted to go to most.

I sat in the front with Jerry, Mike and Sean were playing poker and Layne was still asleep.

"So, Marney, what's been going on with Layne?" Jerry asked concerned.

"I, uh, to tell you the truth, I have no real actual idea but, Sean and I saw him in an alley in Sacramento and he looked like he was trading something with someone. Then he saw us and ran away." I told him.

"Shit, he's doing it." He said under his breath.

"Doing what?"

"You know, IT" he said emphasizing. the 'it'.

"What's 'IT'?" I asked completely oblivious.

"Heroin! How didn't you get that?" He practically yelled. Sean and Mike peeped over and looked scared. I guess Jerry was the ring-leader of the band or something.

They walked back to their game and everything became really awkward, as if they knew something I didn't. I needed to know.

"What happened?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Jerry asked.

"I mean, what happened with Layne and heroin? Tell me."

"I-I can't."

"Oh, Jerry, you don't get it do you? Well let me put it on the plate. I care a lot for Layne. I try to look out for him. He's looked out for me. He practically saved my life, and my virginity. Now I want to be his hero. Tell me what happened."

"Fine," he said, pausing. "It was in '89, Layne was out with your brother and Mike was trying the 'amazing new drug that will make you feel like you're a god', you know and your brother tried it. He was fucked up, man, like really whacked. Then Layne went, and he OD'd. Took him to the hospital, and he almost died. Want to know who he was with?"

"Uh, I don't know" I said in tears.

"Andrew Wood"

Fuck. Layne was a really good friend of Andy's. All the guys were. I was so fucking upset, I can't let Layne go into deep heroin use. I can't.


In San Fransisco

Everyone was invited to a party. According to Duff Mckagan, our friend in Guns N' Roses, he said it was "the best party since Johnny Cash came to town." I didn't really get it. Oh well.


We went to the party. Mike and Sean were going to the girls; Jerry went to the beer and his friends; and Layne and I, just chilled. Until he left to go do heaven knows what, but, I knew what was going on. So, of course, like the nosy person I am, I went and followed him.

He got to this room that smelled like pure cigarette smoke. He walked in and I shortly followed wearing a disguise: some big, black sun glasses, a Van Halen shirt and acid wash jeans; jeans that I would never wear, so maybe he won't recognize me.

I saw tones of people I knew, Stefanie Sargent, Kurt Cobain,.. Demri was even there. I continued to observe and they began. They got they're syringes and all that, plastic spoons, cotton swabs, and of course the drug. They put the dope in the spoon, put water, they put their plunger in and sucked it up and fucking put it in they're arms. I couldn't believe it. I've never seen such thing. I wonder what it's like to feel that?

I blinked and they were all high as a kite. Like really high and it was scary. Layne was just sitting there beside Demri and I couldn't look. It was very disturbing. They were just starring. I was creeped out.


"Where the fuck did Marney go?" Jerry asked clearly drunk.

"I don't know man, let's check upstairs." Mike said with a beer in his hand. Sean followed them.

They entered the room and saw Layne and everyone else. They were too drunk to know anything's wrong.

"Hey, Marney!" Mike said toppling over as he walk toward me.

"You're as drunk as a skunk!" I said laughing. Layne looked over and got up and walked toward us.

"M-Marney, what are you doing?" He asked. He was kinda off too, but in a different way.

"I just came up here a while ago." I said.  He looked as if he was going to cry and left the room. We all followed, got him and went back to the van.

That ended up being an awkward night.

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