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As the rest of the guys and I slowly packed the bus up with the equipment, Layne was still asleep. When we finished up, we all sat in the back near Layne, except for Jerry, he drove. I was contemplating whether to tell them about Layne or not. If I don't it could get worse and if I do, he may never forgive me again. I decided to.

"Okay guys. Please listen up this is serious" they all stopped to listen. "Thanks. So today, I kind of saw Layne doing something bad."

"What kind of bad?" Jerry asked.

"Like drugs."

"Well, what kind of drug?" Sean said with concern.

"I forget what it's called. Like hero-"

"heroin!" Mike yelled causing Layne to jump up from his sleep. "LAYNE WHAT THE FUCK??"

"I heard you guys say s-something" Layne began to say as he sat up. As his sleeve rolled up, we all saw his needle marks. Ashamed, he covered them and began to sob. His sob made us sob, and soon we were all a mess.

"Layne we all love and care for you. Please don't do this. You're an amazing guy and these drugs are going to kill you. Listen, if you go sober, I'll go sober. Okay?" Mike said.

"Yeah? Well at least I won't be alone. Okay, I'll do it" Layne said as he hugged Mike. I felt good saying what I said. Maybe he'll actually stop.
Our next stop was a long drive. Sacramento. Jesus Christ, I guess I'm in for a treat.

"So what are we going to do now?" Sean asked while reading a newspaper in a little café near where we stopped for awhile. It was just him and I, everyone else was in the bus still asleep.

"I don't know. Want to walk?" I asked pointing at the door.

He agreed, we paid and left.


We started walking down the street. Sean was a little dreary since the whole Layne thing; as if he knew something before. I decided to ask.

"Sean," I began. He stopped and looked up. "are you keeping something from me? About a certain someone we know? Blonde, curly-" he cut me off.

"Layne? Well, yes and no, you see, it's complicated." he said with worry.

"Well what? You can tell me. I'm somewhat part of the band now." we stopped walking.

"Alright, f-" Sean paused as he looked to his left.

"Uh, bud, what are you-" I saw it too.

It was Layne.

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