Chapter 7

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Steve was taken back to his room to rest. Sam and Natasha had helped Steve get back into bed. To get him back in bed, it was painful just as getting helped out of the bed. Once in bed again, Natasha helped to situate him. Steve relaxed into the comforting bed again.

"Bruce is bringing her over now," Natasha told him.

Steve gave a nod at this. "Hope she's okay," he said softly. Feeling bad that Penny was left alone and kept away from both him and Bucky, for the obvious reasons.

"She will be," Natasha said gently to put him at ease, touching her hand to his.

Steve gave a small nod.

The television was turned on a bit later, Sam and Natasha taking a seat on either side of Steve to watch and wait with him. Steve on the other hand was dosing and hardly paying attention to what ever dramatic show was on.

Steve was nearly out asleep when he heard a whine echoing through the hallways. Nails slipping on the floor. "That's her..." Steve mumbled, which caught the attention of Sam and Nat. Steve shifted to get up, but before he could even raise off the bed, Natasha had her hand on his shoulder keeping him down on the bed.

"Steve, you need to rest..." she cautioned.

Sighing slightly, Steve rested back, just as the mostly black dog came scampering in, sniffing all around before her nose pointed up at Steve. Eyes lighting up and finally being able to pull out of Bruce's hand and literally leap up onto the bed, nearly missing Steve. She carefully crawled up and lightly pushed into him, excitedly licking his cheek. Steve smiled for once, an actual smile, from the dog's actions and gently petted her to keep her calm.

"Good baby, aren't you?" Steve murmured gently, earning a small whimper in response from Penny who was wagging her tail, thumping slightly on the bed. "Missed me and B-Buck, huh?" He asked softly, the dog licked his wrist lightly, sensing his distress from his love. Their love. 

Once the dog settled down and curled up beside Steve, he stroked her back slowly and relaxed as well. Things were going to be okay, he chanted to himself in the silence. 

"She'll never want to leave him," Natasha said softly, breaking his silence.

Steve looked to her giving a small smile, "Yeah..." he said softly. "I'd hate to take her to see him because of that reason..." he said softly.

"Things will get better," Natasha assured him gently running a hand through Steve's hair.

Steve sighed softly resting under her hand and nodding some. 

"It just takes time..." she said softly, kissing his forehead gently in a comforting manner.


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