Chapter 34: Matteo

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"Michael go pay Carina's dad a visit tomorrow morning. I don't want you to hurt him, but find out where Carina would stay in Italy. I'm sure you've seen the news. Tell Luca to leave for Milan tonight. We need someone out there if anything happens," I inform him.

"Got it," he says and hangs up. I lay back down on my bed exhausted. I close my eyes and caramel eyes and vanilla invade my dreams. I need Carina home.

I'm sitting in my office the next morning when my iPhone begins to buzz. I look at the caller ID and see that it's Luca calling.

"Anything," I ask answering the phone.

"Yeah. Michael just called me and told me that Carina called her father with her location. She's at her villa in Venice. Do you want me to-"

"No wait for Michael to get there. I'll inform you guys on what to do," I say cutting him off. I relax in my office chair knowing she's safe. "If Carina is purposely hiding out she won't be coming home any time soon," I explain.

"Alright. I'll be on standby," he says and ends the call. A surge of relief courses through my body. I know Carina is safe, but is our baby? A million thoughts run through my mind as I make plans for Michael and Luca to follow. I need to know what's going on. I send an email to both Luca and Michael about the details of their trip. They know what they need to do and knowing them they'll do it without hesitation. They are my family.

*End of flashback*

"Hello," I answer restlessly. It's almost three in the morning, and let's just say that sleep is hard to come by without Carina home with me.

"She's gone. Her, her cousin, and a child left for the airport. I believe they're coming home," Luca informs. My muscles relax at the revelation. Carina and our baby are everything to me. I need to do everything in my power to get her home. Luca informed me that the young woman and child staying with Carina were her cousins so I didn't think to look much into them. When I began to receive the pictures of her running errands and relaxing around the pool at her villa I was very happy. She looks radiant and my heart filled with pride to know that her belly is round with our child growing inside. Whether it's a boy or girl I know the baby will be plump. Carina was showing in the first picture I received and she wasn't even five months yet. I'm already having her old bedroom renovated for our little one.

"Finally. Thanks Luca. You and Michael come home. I've got it from here," I sigh and hang up. Thoughts are running through my mind as I lay in bed, and all of them are about her. I've given her enough space and time and I've forgiven myself for all that I've done to her in the past, but now it's time for me to get her back and get her home so that we can be a family again. I'll do anything.

"You know she won't like that boss," Venni says skeptically. I couldn't go back to sleep after the call Luca gave me so I decided to have an early start on the day. Venni is going back to being Carina's security detail. I don't trust Jase to handle Carina the way that he can.

"Yes I know, but Carina's very pregnant and back here in New York. I'm sure if the press has gotten wind of that they'll be camping out to get pictures of her. I don't want her and the baby unprotected," I say firmly. Venni looks at me sympathetically. He knows what this separation from Carina is doing to me.

"Let's hope nothing is thrown at me when I get there," he sighs. I chuckle at the memory of Venni's first encounter with Carina.

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