15.Coming back to this

Start from the beginning

I quickly went down to aisle that had the pregnancy tests and grabbed four boxes and hurried to the register. A strawberry blonde girl and her friend looked at me.

"Can I help you? " I said trying not to sound rude.

"Oh Im sorry, I know staring is not good but you look familiar " the dark brown hair girl said.

" I'm jada beacon and I don't think so " I said.

"Your family discovered this town" the strawberry blonde said.

"Yes and you guys are" I said not really wanting to bring up my family.

"Lydia Martin and this Allison argent " Lydia said pointing to Allison.

"Argent meaning silver " I said.

"Yup, sorry but we have to go" Allison said pulling Lydia out the store.

Weird. I finish paying for the tests and left. I got in the car and brylle sped off to the house. Once we got there she shoved me into the bathroom and told me I couldn't come out until I got the results.

I got this feeling that I couldn't explain after waiting for two minutes, I walked up to the sink and looked at all four tests and my heart stop.

"Brylle can you watch Chloe, I need to go see someone. " I yelled before running out the house and towards the vet.

I noticed the closed sign on the door but I still walked in. "Deaton" I said before walking into the back room.

"Hey jada, whats wrong " he said .

"Deaton I'm... Pregnant " I said.

"Oh lay down, I want to make sure. I'll go get the sonogram machine " he said.

He came back with the machine and hooked up. He looked back at me with sad eyes. I looked away. I can't believe this is happening. I couldn't understand why now? I should have been smarter. I should have noticed he wasn't using protection.

"Are you ready? " deaton asked.

"Yes" I said.

He placed a liquid gel on my stomach and then starting moving around looking for the baby. That's when I saw the flutter of the tiny heartbeat on the clinic monitor.

"You could actually hear the heartbeat," I told deaton. "It proved that there was life in me." I said.

"Jada you need to leave, this pregnancy will be different. Its best if you're not here. I tell you when to come, okay" deaton said wiping the gel off my stomach. "I'm only saying what I think is best" he said.

"Okay I will but please keep updated " I said.

"What do you mean Peter is dead "I asked.

"You still care for him don't you?" Derek asked.

"Of course I do, his my mate and even if he has done horrible things. I'll always love him. " I said.

Now I was about to lose my mind. Peter is gone. I couldn't be here right now. Why didn't deaton tell me? Probably he knows what would happen.

Why is it getting dark?

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I woke up on a hospital bed in a dark room.I waited as my eyes adjusted to the darkness and saw a door. I swore as I banged my leg on something and walked to the door. Hoping it wasn't locked.

When the door opened. I step out into the hallway and tried to figure out where I was. I heard a loud shout. Normally I wouldn't go towards the noise but this time I turned left where I heard the sound. I saw a door which lead to outside. I quickly walked to the door but only to see a bunch of shirtless men staring at me.

"You should really be back in bed " said a voice behind me.

"And if I don't "I said continuing to walk.

" jada stop being difficult and get on the bed now " another voice said.

"Oh hi derek " I said stilling trying to leave.

"Why the fuck didnt you tell me " he said.

"Tell you what? " I said.

"That you're pregnant " he said. My face paled damn how did he found out well I'm in a hospital.

"Fine I'm pregnant " I said.

"Its a little to late to be saying it now" Erica said.

"I don't like her " I said to derek.

"Well I don't like you, so go look for your baby daddy. Oops derek killed him. " she said smirking.

That's it Im not about to let this teenage chick disrespect me. My eyes started glowing purple and my teeth turned razor sharp and I was ready to attack.

I rushed over to her and threw her to the wall and then I kicked her in the stomach. I lifted her by jacket.

"Look here you brat, Im not the one to be played with. I will kill you, so respect me." I said to her before dropping her to the floor.

"Now derek help me find them" I said.

"She fucking crazy " she said.

"I learned it from the best " I said with a smirk.

I walked out the hospital not caring that I still had on the hospital gown. The Argents have another thing coming.

Brylle and Chloe, I'm coming for y'all.

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