Chapter 23

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"Hey girls," says Aunt Rose as Meadow and I walk into the house. "How was your trip into town?" she asks us.

"It was wonderful," replies Meadow.

We had dropped Leo off at his house. Then Meadow and I rode to my house. She hadn't stopped talking about all the places Myra and Gabby showed her.

"Opal, go get ready for swimming practice," Nelly commands me. She's in the living room watching some type of soap opera. I honestly don't find any interest in soap opera's. I wonder what is so good about them.

"Why? Practice isn't until five," I reply.

"Reu called me and said he's on his way. He'll be taking Jackson and May for ice cream later. Then he'll drop you off at swimming practice while he's at it," she responds.

"Oh okay then," I say as I climb up the stair into my room.

I get out my black one-piece bathing suit and put it on. I put my hair back in a ponytail. I grab my backpack and put in it my clothes and a towel. I slip into some shorts and a t-shirt. I step into my flip-flops and walk out the door. I should get an award for The-Fastest-Person-Getting Ready-For-Swimming-Practice. I wonder if there is such thing.

"Hey, Opal," May says just as I step onto the first step of the stairs. "You ready for swim practice?"

"Yeah," I respond. I notice how May is all alone. "Where's Julia at?" I ask her.

"Oh she had to leave. Her dad wanted her to clean her room and stuff."

"Oh. Hey, May, where did you leave Balto's leash?"

"In the garage. Why? Are you going to take him out?"

"I want to take him out for a walk."

"Alright then. Good luck with that."

She turns around and walks into her room. I walk down the stairs and almost fall once. I'm so clumsy, I say to myself. At my old school I had to walk two sets of staircases to get to my locker. I fell a couple of times throughout the year. I hope this school doesn't have staircases.

I met Meadow in the kitchen. She was getting a drink of water. I got one too and sat on the counter.

"So what are you going to do while I'm gone?" I ask her.

"I'll hang out with May if I need to," she replies.

I laugh. "Good luck with that. She's as annoying as when the alarm clock goes off in the morning for school. She'll give you a headache that will probably last the whole day."

"Wow she's that bad?"

"She's worse than how I describe her."

"I'm reconsidering my plans."

I laugh. "You could play with Jackson. I can assure you that he doesn't bite."

Before Meadow can say anything Nelly calls out from the living room, "Opal, are you ready to go?"

"Yes, Nelly, I'm coming." I jump off the counter, leave my cup in the sink, and walk into the living room. "Is Reu here yet?" I ask.

"No not yet. But he should be here any minute now," Nelly responds.

"Okay then. I'll sit here waiting with Balto." I take a seat next to Balto and start rubbing behind his ears. He stretches and gives me a big sloppy kiss on the left side of my face. I clean it off with the bottom of my shirt.

"Alright then. Do you want anything to eat?" she asks me. She turns off the TV and walks into the kitchen.

"No I'm fine thank you, though."

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