Chapter 21

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I opened my eyes. Sweat dripping down my forehead. I was lying face up on soft fabric. Something warm was covering my body. The ceiling was white as snow. Where am I? Am I dead? I sat up and realized that I had been dreaming. The dream had felt so real and surreal at the same time.

I take a look around my room. Bright sunlight was shining through the windows. Jackson was no where to be seen. I guess he was downstairs eating breakfast. He does, in fact, wake up before I do.

I lay my head back down and close my eyes. I hear loud steps coming up the stairs. The steps get closer and stop outside my room. The door opens and someone comes in. I open my eyes and find May standing in the doorway.

"Good morning, May," I tell her. She looks like she barely slept last night. She was wearing her zebra striped pajamas with a white t-shirt. She was also wearing a bandage around her big head. I'm sure it wasn't one of those fashion trends either.

She just stood there saying nothing. After a while I got tired of staring at her, so I closed my eyes again.

"Nelly wants to see you," she says startling me.

I keep my eyes closed. I didn't really care what Nelly wanted. I was still tired and my head hurt a bit. I'm sure she just wants me to watch Jackson or something.

"Someone is here," continued May.

Its probably just Julia. But if it was Julia, then why is May calling her someone? And wouldn't Julia be with May? I opened my eyes.

"Who?" I ask her.

"They came to visit us. Reu isn't here, though. He's at school with Jackson. Nelly is downstairs making our guests welcome," she responds.

"Who is it that is visiting us?" I ask her again.

"I don't know. A woman with her daughter. The girl looks like she is about your age," answers May.

"Does Nelly know who they are?"

"Yeah. Nelly greeted the woman like they are long lost sisters. I know its not Aunt Flora or Aunt Camellia."

Jackson, May, and I have two aunts, Aunt Flora and Aunt Camellia, and one uncle, Uncle Xavier. They are from Reu's side of the family. On Nelly's side, she only has one younger sister, Aunt Rose. She lives in Virginia though. The last time I saw her was when we went to Virginia for spring break when I was in 1st grade. May had been four at that time. Unfortunately, Jackson hadn't been born yet.

"I'll be down there in a while," I tell her.

She exited the room and went down the stairs. I got out of bed and go into the bathroom. I shower, brush my teeth, and brush my hair. In the shower I told myself that if it was possible, I would go into town today. I would do some research in the library about the house. I change into some shorts and a grey t-shirt. I put my dirty converse sneakers on and head downstairs.

I take my time getting there. Its not like I'm looking forward to seeing strangers in my home. I hear voices in the living room as I get closer. I finally make it down to the staircase and go into the kitchen.

I hoped Nelly hadn't heard me. She would have introduced me or would have made me shake hands. I don't really like greeting or saying goodbye to people. I pour some milk and cereal into a bowl. I grab a cup and pour some orange juice into it. I take a seat in the dining room.

"Opal...Opal, dear, come say hi to your aunt," Nelly calls.

So she had heard me. Wait she said aunt. May had said that she didn't recognize this woman. Was she really a long lost aunt?

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