Chapter 8

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I began to cry as I saw what had been haunting me for the past two days. The same dark figure was in my room. The ghost was standing right in front of me. I could actually hear her breathing.

Why is this be happening to me? I have never believed in any type of supernatural stuff, like ghosts or magic.

Balto was whimpering and shaking next to me. He was just as scared as I was. I couldn't take it any longer.

"What do you want?" I whisper between tears. It started to say something. It was also whispering, but I couldn't hear nor understand a word.

I noticed that it actually wasn't whispering words. It was making this swishing noise. I think it was speaking in a different language. I was really frightened.

"Please... just leave me alone." I whispered pleadingly. It continued to make the swishing noise. It kept getting louder and louder.

Suddenly the curtains started moving. The lights started flickering. My phone had started to play 'Dead Man Walking'. Some boxes that I had still not thrown out started flying. The swishing noises were really loud now. The room got very windy. It was like a tornado had entered my room. I was surprised that my parents hadn't come into my room to see what was going on. Everything was flying around now.

"Please stop!" I yelled. Where are your parents when you need them?
I get out of bed and head for the light switch. It seems that Balto has fallen asleep. Either that or something hit him and he passed out. Most likely the latter. I push my way through the strong wind in my room. The tears falling down my face. I was truly terrified now. I almost touched the light switch when something hit me on my back and I fell. The last thing I remember was seeing my room in chaos. I tried forcing myself up, but I was in real pain. I fell back down. I was useless. I turned my head toward the girl.

Everything turned black as soon as she looked at me.


I woke up around 8:45 the next morning. I layed on my bed and breathed into my pillow. It seemed so serene. It almost felt like how it had felt back at home. I was convinced, actually, that I was back at my former house in Lincolnville.

Later on today, I would go to the swimming pool and practice for the meet tomorrow. Then I would go get some ice-cream with some of my swimming teammates.

I went on thinking that I would go through what had been my normal routine back in Lincolnville. I heard a bark outside my room. Then I remembered that I had moved into a new house in a new town.
I get out of bed and change into some shorts and a black t-shirt. Then I remembered what had happened the night before. I look around the room and find everything in its place.

Now that I think about it, I had passed out on the floor near the light switch. I felt where something had hit my back. I felt a small bump. What had hit me? How did I even get into bed? Had Parents come in and put me in bed? What had happened? I was so confused at the moment.

I go downstairs and into the kitchen. I notice that Reu is at the table drinking coffee. I grab a bowl for cereal and fill it up with cheerios. I take a seat next to him.

"Morning Gem," he says.

"Morning," I reply.

"Didn't get the chance to sleep in today, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess its still the weird surroundings. I'll get used to it, though."

He didn't answer.

I heard a loud noise outside. I also heard Balto barking.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Oh it's just May and Jackson on the four wheeler."

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