O N E - work day

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Michia's POV
8:05pm, August 13, 2015.
Sitting at the table this morning doing my normal routine, read and eat. After I'm done, I decide to get dressed for work. I work at Rich Stallion, it's a horse racing track, I work as a bookie. To explain my job, I put in bets for rich people and I also sometimes get them drinks for side tips. It pays pretty well to be honest, I enjoy seeing the horses race. There's this one horse, Canela, she's my favorite of all and I'm sure she'll win today. I take 3 buses, a subway, and an über to work. On my way to work, is kind of scary, considering my work uniform is simply "any little black dress and heels you can find, if you don't have we'll provide...never wear the same thing twice." -Hilary Mincazolo

I've finally arrived to work right on time, it's 10:20. All races begin at 11:00, but I have to put in pre-orders, serve drinks, admissions, help the handicapped to the special sections, get Hilary coffee, say good morning to Jan, and finally set up Canela...that's just before the races after they start, then hell will break loose.

By the time I'm done putting in pre-orders, serving drinks, doing admissions, helping the handicapped to the special sections, getting Hilary coffee, and saying good morning to Jan, I get to set up Canela.

As I make my way there I see this guy,had to be my age, he was following in suit I turn back around and proceed. Once I reached the stables, with the mystery beauty behind me, I turn to him a stare at him for a while.

"Didn't your mom teach you it's rude to stare?" This guy smirked, but what he said hit home bad.

"Maybe if she weren't so sick in the hospital, she would have. Who are you and why were you following me?" I asked with a confused look on my face.

"You don't remember me at all?" He said with a sad glint in his eye.

"Am I supposed to?" I said with even more confusion. Who the heck is this guy?

"Antonio Drew Grant, or as you used to know Toni or 'Kat, Toni tried to kiss my cheek again'. I'm surprised you don't remember me YaYa," he smirked

"Hell no, the Toni I knew had these green eyes that shine, he was shy, sweet, and chubby. You're blue eyed and they're dull, you're cocky, bold, I don't know about sweet but highly doubt it, and you're built. So hell no, and Toni had a crush on me." I said unconvinced, the last I saw of Toni was when I was nine.

"YaYa,  these are contacts, I'm not cocky, if I'm bold I got it from you, I am still sweet, and yeah I play football now, and who says I still don't?" He said with sincerity. I'm not convinced...

"How about when you're done, I take you out for ice cream, vanilla with cinnamon and caramel?" He said with hope in his eyes

"I guess, but I need a ride home," I said

"Sure thing, I call see all of your sisters, and is it true Kat has kids?" He asked with his eyebrows raised.

"Uh huh, had 2 at 12, you'll meet them later though." I said after I finished feeding and brushing Canela.

And with that we walked out, as the race started Toni sat in the crowd, and my duty starts.

For tonightDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora