Frightful Memories

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There was a shift in gaze's, as the tower vibrated with a rumble. "Ah!" Bella screams. Her cage wobbling from side to side. Drew see's this, and panics himself.

"Bella!" He shouts her name, and looks to Kira who shrugged his shoulders at the sight, finding slight amusement in his rivals frustration.

He then sighs. "As I said" snicker's Kira. "That cage was not meant for her. If anyone can break free from that 'thing' it is May-"

The ground grumbles some more, however this time, it came more violently. Especially for those being affected on the outside. "How dare you!" May screeches. "What have you don-"

Her sentence falls as does her arms, for a beast a size large enough to consume the sky they were gazing at, fell down before them. A creature all too familiar to our Heroine. "May.... I'm sorry.."

"Ash, you bastard!" she scream's. Tears fuelled by pure rage trickled down her cheeks, while Blaziken stood alone, and on alert. "I'll kill you! This creature... this beast...."

Just at that moment, had Drew raced out to call for May's aid in freeing Bella from Kira's contraption, instead, slides across the gravel to skid to a halt at her one shouted sentence - "Killed Max!" was what he could have sworn he heard.

His widened eye's swipe upwards where he was surprised further by the black scaled pokemon right before his eyes. 'How the hell did that go unnoticed?' he questions, allowing his gaze to wander over the Pokemon's body. It was a frightening large beast. A black Dragon that stood at a height taller than the tower, and a width wider than he could have thought possible.

It's gaze was sharp, and it's poisoned tinted eye's fell down to pierce May, who had crept back and distanced herself from it. The next thing to come to Drew's attention, was a certain someone's presence. "Ash?" he asks, then noticing the man's reddened eye. Drew's eyelids lower a tad, as if disappointed in what he could see. "Commitment. An Act where you commit murder towards a Pokemon, and or strike a deal with said Pokemon sworn by utter secrecy. And I doubt you slaughtered a bastardly creature"




'I remember running home frantically, for a godly beast was seen terrorising the city. I left my training at the Poke-school earlier than usual, for I had an awful feeling regarding this matter."


'So I ran home, and before it even came into vision, I knew what had occurred. The house was torn straight down the center, split into two and practically in shambles. Just my house... no neighbouring houses or apartments were affected whatsoever!'

"Maxie.... wh-where are you......?"

'I entered through where the door stood, barely attached to it's hinges, and all possible colour drained from my face as the foul beast in a smaller form emerged from the shadow's and stared me down directly into my eye's. It's poison-like eye's that had me shaking at the knees, moments away from crumbling.

The walls and my own ceiling were about to cave in, but all I could focus on, was the blood that drained through the gaps of it's razor teeth, as it's lips peeled apart to expose to me a wicked grin. Hanging from those needle seeming teeth, where strands of green cloth... a material that belonged to Max's shirt. I broke apart and slid down to my knees, too terrified to cry, too scared to retaliate...'


"I-I have spent too many god damn years training for this moment.... and now that it has made an appearance, my body won't allow me to attack, why?"

Drew looks to her sorrowfully. "May..."

"Ash" she growls though faintly. "You better well have a great explanation for this!"

He sighs, slipping his vest off and dropping it to the dirt by his ankles. "Actually" he replies in a tone so stern, it even had May wearing goosebumps. "This eye is because I did indeed slaughter a bastardly creature, unfortunately you were incorrect, Drew. But I also did partake in a deal with this beast"

"Oh-ho, and that deal was?" Drew asks as he pressed the matter further, coming off rather snarky.

Ash gave a sarcastic eye roll, knowing how much that would further irk Drew. "I was to bring him to May, in return, he is not to harm any innocent civilians"

May's face dims even more, any colour that it once display was practically drained from her body, and her gaze falls onto the beast. "I don't care what you want with me" she growls, grinding her teeth together. "However; I...." she slide's a dagger from her shirt. A dagger which had engravings of an ancient language gouged out of it's handle to run up it's blade. "Will not... allow you to live!"

With that she went to charge at the beast, but to her surprise, Ash had in one swift action, glided across the dirt to meet her in-between. "I cannot have you harming this creature, May!" but her movement's had not ceased. She continued to charge forth, regardless who stood in the way.

The pupil in Drew's eye's shrunk at disbelief at the horrid spectacle he was observing. "Damn it- Cubone, come!" he, along with his Pokemon raced out to shield Ash. Ash didn't appear phased though.

May swiped her blade across the open air, and Drew just narrowed his eye's as strands of green hair floated down before his eyes. May halts. "I will kill you Ash, Drew. Get out of my way-"

Ash moves ahead of his retired partner, and approached May until his face was only inches from her's. "Give me that dagger. Shall I even ask if you are aware of it's potential? That blasted cursed blade?!"

Her glare not once brightens. "Of course I do" she snarls. "A weapon that can butcher any Pokemon it makes contact with, this including even the most powerful of Legends"


"He killed Max, Ash! I was there as my brother's blood was drained from it's mouth!"

He looks down saddened, but he didn't allow his expression to waver at that, well, not permitting it to be all that noticeable. "May. I love you to pieces, but I cannot believe what you just said"

"Well then... this is where I terminate out partnership. Farewell, Ash Ketchum"

~Special Edition~


"Oh well this is no fun! I had hoped the idiot played Prince Charming and as he races to your aid, that is when I would make my attack!"

Bella's eyelids lower, as she stares down from her cage, unamused. "You are a dreadful Villain" she snarls, only to have the man's head jerk upwards to meet her eyes. "I mean, you go through the effort to kidnap me, so that what? May could rescue me?"

Kira sighs. "Obviously" he spits. "I saw the two of you together at the park a while ago. Do not think you can deceive me so easily, fool! I know you two are allies!"

"The park?" she inquires. Now Bella truly was in bafflement. Her brows created creases through her skin on her forehead, as she gazes down at her kidnapper, and was startled when the thought crossed her mind. "Are you referring to when we encountered the Starly?- She was mean to me! May isn't my friend, she has a stronger desire to get rid of me than anyone I know!"

"........." There was a passing silence between the two, and Kira grumbles irritably. "For fuck sake. I give up"

To be Continued.
Four Rival's reunited!

Pokemon Drew's lossWhere stories live. Discover now