A Friend's Plead

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(This is a special Mother's day edition, shout out to all the mother's there! Happy Mother's Day!)

Days passed with Drew no longer in pursuit of Mystery man, but instead with his childhood rival, May Maple. Knowing now how much he underestimated her, Drew is curious as to what has brought her to him, and what was the cause for her dramatic change. Who is Brendan? And what is his relationship with our Heroine?...

"Mr Drew is still refusing to tell me his relationship with that woman... Five days have already passed, and yet he continues to sulk in his room. What's worse is Mr Harley's state is not bettering itself.." Bella paced back and forth along the sidewalk in the local park. "That woman is dangerous, but having years to have approached us, why now? What is it that she is after?"

Just as Bella was thinking that, she allowed her gaze to wander, and was surprised to find a poke egg and a sickly Staravia by its side. She tilts her head slightly, and it was then that her eyes opened up wide. May was seen moving towards it.

"What is she doing here....?"

May knelt down before the egg, and stuck her hand out to lightly brush it. Staravia squawked, flapping its wing violently. May wore such a saddened expression, and allowed it to remain that way, even when the pokemon attacked.

Staravia flinched forward and without hesitation, bit down onto May's wrist as she continued to have her hand extended towards the egg. "Ah!" Bella shrieks. May pats Staravia's head with a smile.

"Better?" May asks. "I know, I must seem scary? Don't worry. I wont hurt your baby, I just want to take care of it, of you" Staravia looks up at May, just as shocked as Bella was. It opens up its beak and walk backwards, with its head bowed in shame. "You are unwell, and you are aware of your time? What a smart pokemon you are! I know a nice man who will take good care of your egg" May smiles in a reassuring manner. "May I have it?"

Staravia steps away from the egg and keeps it's head lowered, granting permission. May smiles once more and reaches into her pocket to grab something. She uncurled her fingers to reveal some poke food in which she then sat down on the grass before it. The Staravia smiled as it bid farewell to its egg and allowed May to pick it up.

"Is she taking the egg as Staravia's dying wish?"

May rose, heading turning to face Bella, who stood under a large oak tree with a face expressing utter shock. May's smile faded suddenly and she expressed a bitter frown. She glares at Bella, moments before she took her leave.

Bella drops her eyelids slightly. "She's so scary" she mumbles. "Though I just wish I could have gotten a better glimpse of her smiling" She drops her shoulders and sinks to her knees. "May Maple.... just who are you?" ......

"I told you to leave!"

Just as May had reached the entrance onto Jasper's domain, she heard his voice call out from the door in a rather aggressive tone. She reaches for the handle, turning it to then pushing the door open. There her eyebrows were once again, forced to narrow.

"Hey." May calls out. Jasper stood by his coffee table, as two men appeared before him, armed. "What are you doing here?"

Both men turn their bodies, shifting their gaze onto her. "We are members of the organisation" One man answered. "We have come here for the poke eggs in which this man holds in his care...."

His sentence fell as he then paid much attention to that which May held in her possession. A poke egg also. "Yeah right" she scoffs, noticing where their eyes laid.

They stepped forward, and Jasper was not impressed. "You'd think that men in the Unova region would have better house manners" he sighs, reaching into his yukata and pulling out a Pokeball. Although they were in the Unova region, Jasper specialised in raising Pokemon from other regions, mainly Sinnoh.

Jasper likes clothing that is branded in far away places. Owning items that not many people around here would possess, and making himself out to be a foreigner. "Are you threatening the organisation?" the first man asked. He wore a badge across the front pocket of his vest, which read "Fire".

"No." May speaks out, answering for Jasper. "I am however" The men look back over to May, who stood tall with a pokeball in her left palm. "You will have to beg me for this egg, even then, you are most likely to leave empty handed"

"Oh?" they snarled.

Jasper sighs once more. "Two men against one girl? That can't be allowed" He grins. "How about we have a match? To determine what will happen next"

The men laughed but agreed with the thought. They each reached into their vest pockets and exposed a pokeball each. "Such a scary face" they say glancing at May. "Quite a cute expression, suits you"

"Oh shut it" she snarls, moving over towards Jasper.

He looks down at her and realised how close she had nuzzled into him without realising it herself, and he blushed a little at the sight. "You know they're right. You're rather attractive, even though you know nothing about smiling" she looks up at Jasper, and then quickly diverts her attention away from him and back onto the men.

"That Staravia was a kind mother, and all that was wanted, was for this egg to thrive" she announces. "Today is a day where mother's should be appreciated. For you never know what you have.. until it's gone" she stares down looking rather pained. Jasper saw this and rests his hand on top of her head, patting it lightly.

"You did good to get that egg" he smiles. "Now lets make sure it has a future, by winning this match!"

She seemed surprised that he had comforted her in such away, and although usually she would snap and distance herself between him, May just ignored it, allowing it to happen. The other two men bared witness to this, and raised their brows in suspicion.

"This is for every mother who was deprived of their egg by your damn organisation!" Growls Jasper, as he shouts- "SHINX! I choose you!"

"SIMIPOUR! DARUMAKA! We choose you!"

May throws the pokeball up into the air also, and Gardevoir appeared. She directs her pokemon's attention towards the enemy, and Gardevoir automatically responded on it's own, by using Magical leaf.

Simipour was launched backwards and May attacked once more. As that was happening, Jasper's Shinx was involved in a battle with Darumaka. "Shinx! Thunderbolt!" he instructs, watching as his pokemon attacked.

"This girl! Her pokemon move without instruction!" thought the man with the tag "Fire". He observed May carefully, and his eyes widened as realisation struck. "This girl... I have never witnessed such a terrifying aura.. being near her is like being thrown into a fiery pit. So intense that you can't get near her" he thought "She's dangerous... she could be a threat to the organisation"

"You have been staring at me for far too long" May exclaims. "Gardevoir. Finish this" Still clinging to the poke egg, May takes Jasper by his hand, and covers his eyes as his house was then engulfed by a blinding light. Shinx returned to its pokeball, and once the light dimmed, everything was left exposed.

There, lying unconscious on the ground before them, were the trainers. "Their pokemon must have returned to their balls" May thinks, having her pokemon return also. "I would rather not have your home in ruins"

Jasper stood still, frozen. "She protected me..." he faintly mutters. "She used little effort to take them both down at once, and as that occurred... she also saved my home"

Once those thoughts left his mind, May walked back into the house, dusting off her palms. "I took care of them" she says as she left the room.

Jasper watches on, face saddened with distraught. He gazes down at his own palm, opening and closing it, as the warmth of May's touch remained on his skin. "May.... nothing can ever reverse what has been done to you, I know.. but I just hope you are able to find that one shred of happiness, and I hope you never let it go..." .......

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