Drew's Letter

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I need your assistance. I have new knowledge but this time.. I'm afraid I am uncertain as to what to do with it. I received a letter, and upon reading that letter, I assumed that I had Mystery man's identity figured out. However; his identity was that of someone who will surprise you, as it did I. She has grown, both in features but more importantly, she has become stronger.

I have never witness such terrifying power in which she alone, produced. Now, I search for her. The man in the letter has yet to find me, to confront me. He says he has something urgent in which he needs to discuss with me, and it's regarding her. He told me how he seeks my aide, to stop that which, to be honest, seems impossible.

This woman, works not alone. Accompanying her is a man, with hair as white as winter's snow. They share a special bond. If looks deceive you, then my impression left of this man... is that he too, is powerful. The letter in which I received, spoke of a legendary pokemon which remains unknown to the outside world. A pokemon with such raw power, that one attack would erase Unova from the maps.

This man... also spoke of a prophecy. He told "A certain evil shall rise to battle the heroes. However; an evil shall rise from a single hero. The balance between good and evil, becomes no longer fair. An unlikely villain falls to the light, but the scales must forever be equal. So then... a hero is taken, but with this sacrifice, now comes eternal peace"

I am frustrated by this, it is something which confuses me. This evil? This pokemon? I want to say "It is utter crap" and push it aside... but I was there, as she was revealed. It then struck me, how real this all truly was. I need you to better yourself, to become well once again. After you have read this.. discard it at once!

I will deny ever having written this. I will deny ever having made contact with you, and if you try to use this as evidence... this time, you will die. This will become non-existent once opened. I wanted to be the one to inform you, only you, will I express my problems to, just this one time. I'll see you around, you sadistic, purple-haired bastard.

Yours sincerely-
Drew Harley.

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