The Mystery Unravels!

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"What a bore"

"Hm?" Bella's attention directs itself onto Jasper, a strange man whom appeared from nowhere. He stood still, behind Kira, and before herself. "Who are you?" she asks, just that smidge of curiosity could be detected throughout her tone.

"Yes, who are you?" Kira inquires also.

Jasper once again, sighed. A clear sign of his Lazy Persona. "Jasper" he yawns. "Hand over the girl, and this'll end quickly"

"Not even a please?" Kira's smug attitude irritated Jasper quite a bit. Because of this, he revealed from his Kimono, a Pokeball.

"I try to not be polite to a smug pretty boy, ask Mr Rose out there" With that, Jasper threw the pokeball high into the air, and called for Shinx to come out. "Look, I'm terribly lazy, can you just hand the lady over and we call it a day?"

Kira laughed at such a gesture. "No" he replies. "I want my Fiancé back"

"Oh? Go get her-"

"May Maple" Jasper and Kira fell silent instantly. Kira in annoyance, and Jasper in utter and complete shock. He looks ahead at Bella, wanting her to shake her head, to reassure him that it was a lie, but she just nods.

Japer takes another moment to allow it to all sink in. "Are you insane? How did you manage to get May!?"

Kira faces his palm out to Jasper and shakes it frantically. "No, no. Not again" he exclaims.

Bella, still sitting in the cage, narrows her eyes and yawns in boredom. "Hello?" she calls out. Jasper gives her a quick glance, understanding her impatience.

"Look, once you hand over that girl, you can race outside to join the four men already fighting for her affection" Kira sighs at the suggestion.

"That just wont do" he said. "I cannot control that woman"

"Then why desire her-"

"Wouldn't you? To be able to control that which seems uncontrollable?"

He takes a second to think on that question. "Well, yes" Jasper answers back. "Yet again, I also value my life and would rather not try to contain a rage filled beast like May"

After accepting that answer, the two men began to have their face off, Kira drawing out Zubat. "Very well, let us battle for my prisoner's freedom"

"Here we go again" Bella sighs.


"May, stop!"

Still charging forth, May with the blade in a tight grip, came within contact to the beast. As she went to swipe across, she was taken aside by Ash whom had tackled her to the ground. He sat on her hips, pinning her struggling arms above her head by her wrists. "What the? Dammit Blaziken!"

She glances over at her pokemon, and realised that it was somewhat preoccupied with three other. "May!" she refused to turn her head to look up and face Ash.

"Get off me" she says in her menacing tone. Ash just continued to eyeball her.

"Look at me" but our heroine continued to put up a fuss. "I said look at me!" He only needed one hand to have her pinned, as he used his left hand to take grip of her jaw and turn it to face him. "Dammit, why the hell do you have to put up such a fuss?"

He closes his eyes in irritation towards her. "Ash..." she spoke. "Look at me" as he opened his eye's to do just that, they widened at the sight. Tears.. May was actually crying before her childhood friend. "If you are willing to protect this beast to such an extent, then take this knife"


"And kill me instead"

Ash froze in horror at her request. "Shut up" he told her. "How dare you even suggest such a thing!"

"Only you have the right to do this, Ash. Only you can send me to be with Max"

"I can't!" he shakes his head. "I will not do it, so don't you dare do this to me!"

Drew, Brendon. Each man hesitated to continue the battle after hearing May's pleads. Even the Pokemon came to a terrifying halt upon her sentence. "May...?" Drew enquires. His low tone obviously due to the shock.

Ash removes his grip on her jaw to quickly grab at the knife, though May wasn't one to let go so easily. "Release the knife" he tells her.

"I will not." she replies."At the end of this battle, someone will die, and it'll either be the creature by my hands, or myself by your own"

Ash scoffs. "Fine, if that's what you want, go ahead, though you will regret it" with that, he let her go. Removed her hands from under his, and stood up.  "I can't have you killing this behind us, but if you were to die, I think that is what will truly kill me"

So May too, rises from off the gravel. Cocks her head to the left and gazes at the mysterious black Monster. As she brings the blade closer to her vision, in the reflection she gazed upon an image that had her eye's as wide as a Nova. It was Max, Max was in the reflection, but when she gazed up from it, all she saw was what she despised most.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me?" she grumbles, to the point where she found herself almost weeping once more. "It's not enough that you took my baby brother away from me, but now you have me hallucinating his existence!?"

"Roserade, fall back-"

"Really!? That's it?" Drew turns to face Brendon. "You, the man May has decided to give her heart to, is retreating when she's moments away from placing herself into danger!?"

Mr Romantic sighs hopelessly at the man with the starlight hair. He instructs Roserade to get behind him, and not wanting to defy the already frustratingly exhausted Drew, it decided to obey in utter silence. "If you understand the woman you love, then you will know how all attempts to stop her will fail"  

"Excuse you?"

"You cannot help that still in mourning.. May is not doing this for Max, she's doing it for herself" he fixates his eyes onto Miss Maple with such an overwhelming intensity. "She's about to battle her mightiest demon yet... the demon for grief"

To be Continued.
Mystery Revealed!

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