“I got bored. And I thought we could…talk.” His tone got more serious at the end. I switched off the water, taking my towel off the rod.

“I know we do, but can we go somewhere and talk about it? I don’t want your mum or anybody to overhear.” I gathered my hair to one side and wrung out the excess water that dripped down my shoulders.

“Yeah that’s a good idea. I guess we could go get some breakfast?”

“Sounds perfect. Now shoo, I need to get out of the shower!” I ordered, hearing Harry’s deep chuckles bounce off the tile walls.

“Alriigght,” he dragged out the word, making his way to the door. “I’ll be in my room if you need me.” I heard the knob click shut and feet going down the hall as I stepped out of the shower. I looked up at the steamy mirrors and reached my hand up to wipe away the fog, until I saw something at the top right corner that made a smile spread across my face and heart to flutter.

“Have a good day, beautiful xx”


“What are we supposed to tell the boys, Jesse?”

Harry sipped his hot drink before setting it back down, the familiar Starbucks logo brandished across the front of the cup. Setting down my own cup down and taking off my winter hat, I heard the pitter-patter of rain hitting the roof of the shop and streaming down the windows, the sound soothed my cluttered mind.

“Who said we need to tell them?” I shrugged my shoulders.

“But they’re our best mates. We never keep secrets away from each other.” Harry protested, shaking his head.

He had a point, we always told everybody what was on our minds and there wasn’t a single thing we didn’t know about each other. Like the fact that I know Zayn slept with a night light until he was sixteen. It was what kept us together as a group, but the thing that Harry didn’t get was that we had taken a step further from just friendship, and I was afraid how they would all react. Nobody expected it to happen, not even Harry or me.

“It’s best if they don’t know. Who knows how they would react?  Especially Niall, I cheated on him with his best mate, I mean, how would you feel?” We both knew the answer to that question. Niall would be furious, it could ruin our whole friendship, and he could not want to talk to us ever again.

“Speaking of Niall,” Harry ignored the question. “What are you going to do about him?”

By the look in Harry’s eyes, I could tell that he wanted me to break up with Niall. It was the best thing to do anyway, and I bet it hurt Harry when he saw me with him. But it would be so sudden and unannounced; I needed a reason to break up with him.

“I don’t have a reason to break up with him, but it would be best if I did.” I voiced my thoughts, sighing and taking a long drink of my caramel frappe, feeling the sweet liquid travel down my throat and warm my insides.

I could feel Harry’s eyes burning on me as I continued to stare out the window, watching as the rain began to make puddles in the road and sidewalks, children laughing as they stomped in them and splashed their clothes. The image made me smile but at the same time envious toward the young children, they weren’t stuck in a situation like mine where they had to decide whether they should break up with their boyfriend or keep a secret that could ruin everything. I wished my life was as easy as those kids dancing in the rain, not a care in the world.

“Jess?” I turned my head to see that Harry was watching the same scene in front of me, eyebrows furrowed. “Do you wish it never happened, me and you?”

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