Chapter 2

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Name P.O.V.
"What kind of bet?" I asked intrested.
"The one who will pass more time with him in a week will win and the other will stay back." Perona said.
"Hey! That's unfair! I am working a lot of hours and you are just loafing around all day." I glared.
"Okay... then the first who will steal him a kiss will win and the other will stay back." She offered.
She knew that it was difficult to me to say 'no' at any bet. Yes, I was a person who loved gamble and of course casino.
"Deal!" We shaked hands to close the deal.

Time skip
I went to the next island, Nero. Time for work... Damm it! Perona had more possibillyties from me to win the bet.
"Oi! (F/n) come on! We were waiting for you." Yun called me (my best friend and he is something like a second brother to me). I run to our ship.
"Hey everyone! What's up?" I asked them.
"Everything is fine. Let's go it's the season which sharks are coming." My captain Volt told us and we went at the place where they usually showed up.
Yes, we were fishers and merchands. Shark's meat are very expesive and the leather even more. For us was a huge bargain.

Perona P.O.V.
Mihawk put Zoro on a test. To survived at the forest for six hours with out any help from him or me or (F/n).
Great! That was my chance to stole a kiss. We will be alone at the forest.
I fly over the forest and tried to find him. Where were him?.....
Found him! He was fighting some babboons. Ouuu! He looked in trouble. After of some minutes he beat them up but he was serious wounded.
I went next to him. "Oi! Zoro take a rest."
"No, thanks." He said and continued walk.
"Make sure that you know where are you going?" I told him.
"I though Hawkeyes said earlier no any kind of help. For this reason just fly away."
"I will not help you baka! I just want to keep you company."
"I have no time to waist in training."
"Can you at least to be more kind?!?!" I yelled.
"But you are rude with me! Why did I have to be kind with you!?!" He growel. Dammit! He had right! I was always rude but (F/n) no. Grrrr!!! She had more possibilyties to win the bet.
"Okay... I'm sorry." I said guilty. "I feel so bad for that Zoro."
He glanced at me because I've never called him by his name. He smiled.... awww~ so cute.
"It's okay Perona. I was rude too." My eyes shined... I couldn't believed, he called me Perona and not ghost girl. Ha! Eat my dust (F/n), because very soon I will take that kiss.
"I think we can do a new beggining." I chuckled.
He chuckled back. "Sure."
I lean to kiss him... but...
"What? Did I have something on my face?" For sure he wasn't the most clever man in the world.

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