
"Aidan!" I yell out helplessly. Its been a week since the baby's been born, and we were currently at my house. Aidan just went into the kitchen to make a bottle, and it seems as soon as he left Danny started crying. I try to calm the crying newborn, but nothing I do helps. If anything he only cries harder. I tangle my hands in my hair and pull it in frustration.

"Okay, okay. I'm back with the bottle." Aidan announces as he walks back into the living room, a warm bottle of milk in hand. Walking over to the car seat holding the baby, he picks him up and cradles him to his chest. Immediately Danny stops crying and looks up at Aidan with wide, watery eyes. He makes a small gurgling noise causing Aidan to chuckle.

"Here you go, little one. Nice and warm." Aidan coos at the child as he guides the nipple of the bottle into the baby's mouth. Daniel begins to enthusiastically suck at the bottle making small gulping noises. I sigh in relief and collapse into the floor.

"Thank god." I say wearily. Aidan smiles before walks over to the couch and taking a seat. He takes the bottle out of the baby's mouth so he could catch his breath, and the baby opens his mouth wide in protest. Aidan giggles before putting the bottle back into the babies mouth. I sit up from the floor and watch the two.

"I swear my own kid likes you better than me." I say in wonder. Daniel always calms down when Aidan has him. Aidan blushes and shakes his head.

"He likes you more. You're his dad." Aidan says. I scoff and stand up before sitting beside him on the couch.

"Yeah, which is why he cries every time I walk in the room." I say, rolling my eyes.

"That was once." Aidan mutters. He removes the now empty bottle from Daniel's mouth and sits it on the floor beside his foot.

"Can you hand me his burping blanket, please?" He asks. I nod and retrieve the medium-sized blue cloth from the handle of Danny's car seat. I hand it to Aidan, receiving a thank you as he lays it across his left shoulder. He positions Daniel over his shoulder and begins to pat the baby's back. Soon enough Daniel burps, rather loudly might I add.

"Good boy." Aidan coos. He rocks the baby in his arms and soon enough Daniel's fast asleep.

"I'll go put him in the crib." Aidan says as he carefully stands up. I follow him as he makes his way to the second floor of the house. When we reach the bedroom serving as Daniel's nursery I open the door. Aidan walks over to the crib and gently sets the baby inside. Daniel scrunches up his face, but fortunately stays sound asleep. Aidan pulls the baby blanket decorated with baby giraffes and zebras over Daniel. Sighing, Aidan puts his elbows on the rail of the crib. I come up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist. He leans back into me and I place a kiss on his cheek.

"You're really good at this." I tell him, referring to the parenting thing. He turns his head to look at me. Since the baby's been born Aidan has been with me every step of the way.

"Really?" He asks. I nod and kiss him on the shoulder. He looks back at the sleeping babe and smiles. He reaches in a hand and softly runs a finger down Daniel's face.

"He's absolutely beautiful." He whispers. I nod in agreement. Aidan turns on the baby monitor and we make our way out of the room. As we walk down the hall I once again wrap my arms around his waist and pull him towards me. I begin to trail kisses along his neck as I play with the zipper of his jeans. He hisses in pleasure as I leave a hickey near the the crook of his shoulder.

"Paris, we can't." He says. I ignore him and unzip his jeans. I let my lips trail up to his ear and nibble on the lobe causing him to lean his head to the side, allowing me better access.

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