Part 10

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•Sidney's POV•
Jace has been acting very weird lately. Each time I try to hug him or kiss him, he always moves away. I don't know what's up with him. It was Sunday morning and I walked downstairs to get some breakfast. I saw Jace sitting on my couch.

"Oh hey Jace, what're you doing here?" I asked
"I-uh-I have to tell you something" he said as he scratched the back of his neck. I sat down next to him on the couch.
"What happened?" I asked
"What I'm about to tell you was a total accident, she came on to me and-" I cut him off
"She?" I questioned as my heart started breaking
"Maeve and I kissed" Jace said. My whole world crumbled. I didn't even realize that tears were falling.
"W-what" I said, my voice cracking
"When Maeve finished telling me that she liked me I walked away, but then she grabbed my face and kissed me. I had no emotion so I just stood there" he explained. That made it even worse. I can't take this right now.

"Get out" I said in a whisper
"What?" He asked coming closer to me
"GET OUT!" I yelled
"Sidney it was an accident, she came on to me" he said
"I don't care, you could've moved and you didn't you just stood there" I said sobbing
"Sidney please" he said
"No Jace, this was your mistake. Please just leave" I said. He nodded his head and left my house. When he left I just broke down in tears. But I hate myself because even though he kissed another girl, I still love him.

•Jace's POV•
I walked back to my house and went up to my room. Why does Maeve have to ruin everything. Today I had to go to set.

I screwed up again. Sidney's right, I just stood there doing nothing while another girl was kissing me.

I put on my black sweatshirt and shades and walked outside. I decided to ride on my penny board to set. I got there and saw Riele.

"Hey Riele" I said
"Hey Jace, what's up?" She asked
"Sidney and I broke up" I said
"Why, you guys are perfect for each other" she said
"Because I kissed another girl" I said. Riele raised her hand and slapped me across the face.
"Why did you cheat on her?" She said crossing her arms
"I didn't mean to, Maeve grabbed my face and I just stood there not kissing back" I explained
"Where is Maeve, I swear to cheese I'm going to hurt her" Riele said
"To cheese?" I questioned, arching an eyebrow. She playfully punched my shoulder. "You can't hurt her Riele, you might get in trouble. " I explained
"I don't care Jace, she ruined your relationship. I've seen you, you look so happy with Sidney and now all of that is over because she was being a bitch" Riele said
"Thanks Ri, you're a good friend" I said as I have her a hug
"Thanks, now if you excuse me, I need to go hurt someone" she said looking at Maeve. I didn't want to see what was going to happen so I went to my dressing room.

I changed into my Kid Danger outfit and went to go shoot.

•Sidney's POV•
I can't even explain how hurt I am right now. I hate that bitch Maeve, I love Jace, I hate Jace. So many mixed emotions. I can't be sad though. I checked my phone and my notifications. They were all on Instagram. I looked at one and started crying.

'She is so ugly, why doesn't she just kill herself. Jace is probably using her to get to Maeve'

Was this true? Was Jace using me to get to Maeve. I needed to get out of the house. I changed into black skinny jeans, one of Jace's hoodies that he left at my house, and my black vans. I brushed out my hair and put on a black beanie. I grabbed my phone and earplugs and went for a walk. Jar Of Hearts by Christina Perri started playing. I started thinking of the grist day Jace and I met.

We were just friends.

Jace sat down next to me and smiled. I smiled back and started blushing.

"Are you a friend of Riele's?" Jace asked
"Yeah, I've known her for as long as I can remember" I explained smiling at Riele. She smiled back.
"Cool, how are you liking the Henry Danger set?" He asked
"I actually haven't seen it yet" I said
"Well I could show you around" he offered. I glanced at Riele and she nodded her head signaling for me to go with him.
"Sure, I'd like that" I said standing up.

*Flashback Over*

I started smiling, that was the best day ever. Then I started remembering when he asked me to be his girlfriend.


"Sidney" Jace said as he looked at me. I looked at him. "I really like you, your perfect in every way. I sorry I acted like such a jerk this morning. I just thought there was someone else" he said blushing
"I like you to Jace" I smiled. He held my hand leaned in. Our lips connected and molded perfectly together. It was like we were the only ones in world. Electricity shot through my body. We pulled away and smiled.
"Will you be my girlfriend" he asked
"Yes" I said. He pecked my lips again and we both stood up. We held hands and walked to my house together.

This has been the perfect night!

*Flashback Over*

Tears started spilling from my eyes. I really love him, I really do. He's my life. And then I remembered what happened just a few minutes ago.

"Maeve and I kissed" Jace said. My whole world crumbled. I didn't even realize that tears were falling.
"W-what" I said, my voice cracking
"When Maeve finished telling me that she liked me I walked away, but then she grabbed my face and kissed me. I had no emotion so I just stood there" he explained. That made it even worse. I can't take this right now.

"Get out" I said in a whisper
"What?" He asked coming closer to me
"GET OUT!" I yelled

I sat down on the curb and put my head in my hands. I miss Jace so much, but I can't just forgive him. I decided to walk to Starbucks to get a caramel frappe, those always cheer me up.

I opened the door to the Starbucks and I froze. I saw Jace and Maeve sitting down at a table, holding hands. They were smiling together, I guess he's happy now.

Jace and I locked eyes, I saw his smile fade. A tear slipped down my cheek. I shook my head and looked down. I walked out of Starbucks and started walking back home when I felt a hand on pull on my wrist. I knew it was Jace. I turned around and looked at him.

"What do you want?" I asked yanking my wrist away from his grip.
"Sidney I can explain" he started
"Jace I don't need an explanation, Maeve and you seem very happy together. I just wish I could get over our breakup as fast as you did" I said
"Sidney its not like that" he said
"Jace, please. I'm sorry I ruined your date" I said as I faked laughed
"But it's not what it looks li-" he said
"Goodbye Jace" I said as I ran home

•Jace's POV•
I wish I could tell Sidney the real truth. Dan wants Maeve and I to date for publicity. I was going to tell Sidney after this "date" but she walked in. I know that I will have to try even harder if I'm going to get her back.

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