Part 8

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•Jace's POV•
I was asleep in my bed when my phone started ringing. I grabbed my phone and pressed the answer button.

J: Jace
SM: Sidney's Mom

J: Hello?
SM: JACE!, hi it's Sidney's mom. Can you come to the hospital please
J: why what happened
SM: Sidney's in the hospital
J: what, why?
SM: I'll explain when you get here. Please hurry
J: ok, I'm on my way

I hung up my phone and went into Glory's room. I shook her awake.

"Jace, what do you want. It's almost midnight" she groaned
"Glory, you need to take me to the hospital. Sidney's there and her mom told me too come over there now" I explained. Glory jumped out of bed.
"Let's go" she said. I grabbed my sweatshirt and phone and we ran to her car. She turned the key and the car started off. We backed out of the driveway and drive to the hospital.

When we got there we saw Sidney's mom in the waiting room.

"What happened?" I asked walking over to Sidney's mom
"I think she had another panic attack while I was out. Cause when I came home she was passed out on the ground" she explained
"Have they found out anything?" Glory asked
"No, not yet. I just got here 30 minutes ago" Sidney's mom said
"Ok, we'll wait here with you" I said sitting down and Glory sat next to me.

*20 minutes later*

"Sidney Canes family?" A doctor said. Glory, Sidney's mom, and I stood up.
"Yes" Sidney's mom said
"Sidney is awake now, but her head hurts. It was a minor pass out, due to fear" The doctor said. "You can go see her now, she's in room 456" he finished.

We walked down to Sidney's room and stopped at the door.

"Ms.Canes, do you want to go in first?" I asked
"I think you should go in first Jace" she suggested
"Ok" I said. I opened the door and closed it behind me. Sidney was laying in bed with her eyes open.

"Hi" I said
"Hey" She replied as I walked over to her bed and sat down on her bed.
"What're you doing here?" She asked
"I came to see you, did you not want me here?" I asked
"No, I want you here. I just thought since we are broken up that you wouldn't care" she said. I was taken back. I loved Sidney, how could I not care about her.
"Sidney, just because we're broken up doesn't mean I don't care" I explained
"Really" I said. "So what fear made you pass out?" I asked
"The fear of loosing you" she said
"What?" I asked
"I just thinking and thinking about what if we never get back together. What if I loose you till another girl, what if-" I stopped her by pressing my lips against hers. She was taken back at first but then wrapped her arm around my neck. We pulled away and smiled.

"Jace, I've figured things out and I think we should get back together" she said
"I think we should get back together too" I said
"I'm sorry" she said
"Sidney you have nothing to apologize for. I was the one who didn't listen to you when you were trying to apologize to me" I explain
"I love you Jace" she said
"I love you too Sidney" I replied as I kissed her lips again.

•Sidney's POV•
*The day after the hospital*

"Riele I'm serious, this is the KCA's and I'm going with Jace but I have nothing to wear" I complained to Riele. Riele and I were in the food court at the mall and she was catching jelly beans in her mouth.
"Ok ok, sorry. Which store do you want to go into?" She asked
"Maybe Brandy Melville?" I suggested
"Sure, lest go" Riele said as we started walking into the store. We looked around and I tried on black and white top with a hot pink belt and black shorts. I came out and Riele smiled.

"That's defiantly the one" she said
"Good, because I like it" I replied as I went back into the dressing room and put on my regular clothes. I paid for the dress and we waited outside the mall for my mom to come.

She pulled up and we hoped in the car. She drove Riele home first and then we got home.

"Thanks mom" I said
"Welcome honey" she replied. I ran upstairs and placed the dress on my bed. It was going on 7:00. I decided to text Jace.

J: Jace
S: Sidney

S: Hi☺️
J: hey babe, what's up?
S: I just got back from shopping with Riele, I got an outfit for the KCA's
J: good, I can't wait to see you in it. You always look beautiful😍
S: stop you're making me blush
J: I know😂
S: ok well I have to go eat dinner, ttyl😘
J: ttyl😘

I put my phone down and went downstairs. My mom put some food on the table.

"Smells good, what'd you make?" I asked sitting down
"Lasagna" she replied. I took a bite and smiled.
"Mm, this is really good mom" I said
"Thanks sweetie" she replied and we kept eating.

*After Dinner*

I changed into my pink pajama pants and penguin shirt and brushed out my hair. I got in bed and checked my phone. No new texts. I decided to FaceTime Jace. He answered and smiled.

"Hey Sid" he said
"Hey Jace" I replied
"You look really pretty" he said
"Jace you're making me blush" I said
"I know, I can see your cheeks turning pink" he said laughing
"Wanna do something tomorrow?" I asked him
"Yeah sure but only for a few hours, I have to meet up with Maeve" he said
"Maeve?" I questioned
"Yeah, she wanted to talk to me about something" he replied
"Oh" I said a bit uneasy
"Are you ok?" He asked
"Y-yeah, what do you want to do tomorrow?" I asked
"Maybe go down to the beach" he said
"Yeah I like that" I said smiling
"Well I got to go babe, see you tomorrow" he said
"Ok, I love you" I said
"Love you too" he said as he hanged up. I plugged my phone in and laid down. My eyelids got heavier and I fell asleep.

One In A Million (A Jace Norman FF)Where stories live. Discover now