Part 3

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•Sidney's POV•
The next morning I woke up to re sound of my phone ringing . I rolled over and saw the caller ID was Jace. I picked up the phone and pressed it to my ear.

Phone Conversation
J: Jace
S: Sidney

S: Hello
J: hey Sidney, did I wake you up?
S: Kinda but it's fine, what's up
J: I was wondering if you want to go to the beach today
S: yeah sure what time
J: how about 12:30
S: thats fine, can you pick me up?
J: ok, see you soon
S: see you soon

Conversation Ended

I checked the time on my phone and it was 9:30. I have 3 hours before Jace comes. Well since I'm already up I might as well eat something. I got out of bed and went downstairs. I saw a note on the kitchen counter. It read:

I had to go away on a 3 day business trip. Ill be home on Friday. Enjoy some of your summer vacation without me!

So my moms gone. I pulled out a bowl, cereal, and milk. I poured the cereal and milk into the bowl. I sat down on the couch and turned on Nickelodeon. Henry Danger came on, I smiled. It was the episode called Invisible Brad, one of my favorite episodes. I studied Jace very closely. He was so funny and when he smiled it would make my heart flutter. Wait, do I like Jace? No! We're friends. I finished watching the show. By the time I was finished it was 10:30. I still have 2 hours left. What am I going to do while I'm waiting for Jace. I decided to scroll through Instagram. Nothing much happening, so I went on Jace's page and just stalked him a little bit. I'm so creepy. I finished that and went upstairs. I took a quick shower and the changed into a blue bikini with a white cover up. I slipped on my sandals and packed my bag with a towel, sunscreen, speaker, hat, book, earphones, and I'll just carry my phone.

It is now 11:30. 1 more hour to go. I went downstairs and sat down at the dining room table. I pulled out my phone and went on Instagram. I took a selfie and wrote a caption.

Sidney125: Getting ready 4 the beach🌴

I posted it and shut my phone off. I was about to watch TV when my phone pinged. I looked at it and I had a test from an unknown number. The text read:

Unknown Number: Hey Sid, remember when we were in 4th grade and you blew me off. You made a mad choice. You know that saying that says your past will come back to haunt you? Well your past is coming back. Watch out ;)

I dropped my phone and started breathing fast. Who could that be. I don't remember blowing anyone off? Suddenly my breathing became much faster. I dropped to the ground. Oh no, I was having a panic attack! My moms not here. I need to call Jace. I grabbed my phone and found Jace's contact. At this point my legs were cramping up, sweat was dripping down my forehead. I pressed his contact name and it started ringing. He picked up.

J: Jace
S: Sidney

J: hey Sidney what's up
S *Breathing fast*
J: Sid?
S: *gasping*
S: J-Jace *Gasp* Help *gasp* me
J: just stay there Sidney I'm on my way

The phone call ended. "Hurry" I said to myself. And before I knew it... I blacked out.

•Jace's POV•
As soon as the phone call ended I sprinted to Sidney's house. She sounds like she's in trouble. I got to her house and started twisting the door nob. Dam! I don't have a key. I start looking for a spare key. I found one in the plant pot. I put it in the lock and opened the door.

"Sidney" I yelled. I got no response. "Sidney" I yelled again, still no response. "Sid-" I stopped in my tracks when I saw Sidney's helpless body lying on the tile floor in her kitchen. Tears started falling down my cheeks. I lofted her up and laid her down on the couch with her head in my lap. I stroked her hair and stroked her face. I pressed my head to her chest and heard and felt her heart beating. Thank God! I admired all of her features. He soft looking pink lips, a few freckles around her nose, and her button nose. She's so beautiful. I lifted her head off of my lap and went into the kitchen to get a cold rag. I placed it on her face. She started shifting. But then stopped. I leaned my head down and started talking to her.

"Sidney, please wake up. I don't know how this happened but I need you to wake up. I need you. I need your smile, your laugh, and your witty sense of humor. Please wake up" After I finished saying that she started moving. Then she sat up fast. Sidney looked at me and smiled.

"Jace you came" she said as she hugged me
"I had to, I got so worried" I replied returning the hug
"Sorry, I just had a panic attack" she explained
"How often do you get those?" I asked
"Only if something truly scares me or if I feel threatened" she said
"Well, what scared or threatened you?" I asked curiously
"Um...I just thought I saw someone outside. Turns out it was a tree" she said nervously laughing. I don't believe her but I decided she wasn't ready to tell what happened.
"Jace, can we just hang out here?" She asked. "I don't think I'm ready to go outside now" Sidney said
"Yeah that's fine, do you have Netflix" I asked
"Of course" she squealed. Sidney turned on the TV and turned on Netflix.
"How does New Girl sound" she asked smirking
"Perfect" I said. She turned it on and she turned to me.
"And I heard what you said to me while I was out, that was sweet. Thanks" Sidney said. My cheeks started beating up. She leaned her head on my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around.

•Sidney's POV•
What Jace said to me was so sweet. I think I'm starting to like him. But I don't think he likes me. We just met like 3 days ago. I don't think he would catch feelings that fast. But I did. His arm was wrapped around me and my head was in his chest. 10 minutes later I heard soft snores beside me. I looked at Jace and he was sound asleep. I looked at the time, it was 3:00. I decided to let him sleep. My eyes started getting heavier and I feel asleep to.

"Sidney, Sidney wake up" I heard a voice said. My eyes fluttered open and I saw Jace hovering above me.
"How long have I been asleep" I asked
"For 4 hours" he said
"Did I keep you from getting up, since I was laying on you"
"No, I just woke up" he said
"Ok, well I might as well eat dinner. I'm going to be here for three more days" I sighed
"What do you mean?" Jace asked
"My moms away on a business trip for 3 days so I'm alone" I said
"I can stay here with you" Jace offered
"Really" I exclaimed
"Totally, let me just go home and tell my mom and get some clothes" he said
"Ok, I'm gonna start dinner" I said
"Ok, I'll be back in like 10 minutes" he said. I nodded my head and he left. I got a frozen cheese pizza out of the freezer and put it in the oven. Jace came back and the pizza was done. Jace and I ate the pizza and then went upstairs to my room.

"Let me change into my pajamas" I told him. He nodded and went back to his phone. I changed into pink pajama pants and a blue shirt. I went outside of my bathroom and Jace was already in his pajamas.

"So where do I sleep" he asked
"On my bed, I'll sleep on the floor" I said sitting down on the ground
"What, no!" He said "Sidney this your house, you sleep in the bed" he said
"No Jace, you are the guest. You sleep in the bed" I said
"How about we both sleep in the bed" he suggested
"Fine" I said as I got in bed. He did the same. I laid my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Night Jace" I said
"Night Sidney" and before I fell asleep I heard an "I love you"

One In A Million (A Jace Norman FF)Where stories live. Discover now