Chapter 16- The Party

Start from the beginning

Then we went and danced for about 10-15 minutes, till Niall said, "I have to go pee. Where is the fucking bathroom?"

"I dunno, ask Paul" I said.

"I don't know where he is!" Niall shouted over the music

"Just go upstairs, you'll find it" I shouted back.

Niall's POV:

I climbed up the stairs, trying not to trip.

I was really drunk.

I opened a door, to find some blondie and brunette guy making out.

I quickly closed the door.

I opened another to find a bedroom.

Looks like the party reached that room too, because there was puke all over the floor.

I hoped for better luck next time I opened a door and fortunately the next one was a bathroom.

I quickly did my business and when I opened the door I saw Sasha leaning across the doorframe.

"Heyyy Niall" she slurred.

She was really drunk too.

"Hey Sasha" I said trying to seem sober.

"You look sexy tonight" she said tracing her bony finger across my chest.

"Uh, thanks?" I said confused.

"Come here you bad boy" she said and pulled me closer to her and pressed her lips to mine.

The alcohol must've gotten to my brain bad, because I surprisingly kissed back.

Her tongue asked for permission to enter my mouth and I let her.

So we were full making out.

When we broke apart she was smiling widely as she looked at a girl standing a few feet back.

I adjusted my eyes to see that it was Amanda and tears were threatening to spill over.

Her eyes clearly showed disappointment and hurt.

What had I done?

I looked to Sasha and pushed her away from me causing her to fall.

"You did all of this on purpose didn't you?" I asked my words slurred.

"You kissed back." She said.

Then I just shook my head and looked to Amanda who was running down the stairs this minute.

Sasha's words were being repeated in my head as I ran to find Amanda, "you kissed back"

“You kissed back” “You kissed back”

Amanda's POV:

Me and Belle stood in a corner, waiting for Niall to come back.

Where was he?

Guys didn't take this long to use the bathroom.

"Hey Belle, I'm gonna go check on Niall" I said.

"Okay I'll be right here when you come back" she replied.

I walked up the stairs and tried to find the bathroom.

When I walked down the hallway, I stopped in my tracks as my heart felt it was being crushed.

Sasha and Niall were making out.

It looked like Sasha was eating his face off.

"Niall?", I tried to say but it came out as a squeak.

Finally they separated and Sasha looked at me and smirked, mouthing "I told you so"

My eyes were starting to become blurry as I felt tears making their way to my eyes.

Niall looked at me with big blue eyes knowing he did something wrong.

"Amanda?" He said.

I didn't hear anything else as I fled down the stairs not looking back.

"Belle we have to go" I said with tears running down my cheeks.

"Amanda! What's wrong?!" She asked frantically.

"Just come with me" I said and grabbed her arm.

We both ran out of the house and into the street.

We didn't stop until there was a bench.

Then I sat down and explained everything to Belle.

I cried my heart out into Belle's shoulder.

Niall's POV:

"Amanda" I shouted as I looked throughout the house.

Then when I had basically searched the whole house, I went outside.

I jogged to the right of the house.

After what felt like ages, I saw Amanda and Belle sitting on a bench and Amanda looked so broken.

"Amanda" I said.

She looked at me and started to cry again.

"Niall. Just leave me alone" she squeaked out.

She buried her head into Belle's shoulder.

Belle looked at me in disgust.

"I'm sorry.. I don't know what happened. The alcohol got to my brain." I said in a voice that came out barely audible.

"You still should have a little bit control of your actions!" She said not looking up.

"Just leave Niall. You're just like Sean" she said.

I don't know what happened next as I walked, tripping to Paul's place.


The next morning I woke up to find myself in my bed.

My head was pounding very badly and I shouldn't have moved because when I did I felt like my insides were coming out.

I put my hand over my mouth and rushed to the bathroom.

I puked my guts out in the toilet.

Then I brushed the vile taste of alcohol out.

I looked over to my clock to see it was 1:00 in the afternoon.

That was such a bad hangover, I felt like I never wanted to drink again.

I went outside to look for Amanda but when I knocked at the guest room door, nobody answered.

I tried turning the doorknob and found it was unlocked.

Then I opened the door to find it completely empty.

What happened last night?

More importantly, where was Amanda?

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