Chapter 40

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Louis’ POV

I let out a groan as I read the news. The twitter fight had hit all the tabloids again. As much fun as it is to put those boys in their place, the backlash is never fun to deal with. And what’s worse is we began the tour. As much as I love our fans, the sleep schedule that results from red-eye flights and long bus rides is enough to drive anyone insane. Plus, it meant I wouldn’t be seeing Lauren for a while. I wouldn’t have time to fly to LA to visit her, and it’d be hard for her to spend a weekend on a bus or at some random hotel when we were moving around so often.

“You alright mate?” Liam asks, throwing an arm over my shoulder as I slump into the tour bus couch.

“Yea, just tired of all the gossip. And it seems like everything we do ends up in the papers. I don’t even remember the last time Lauren and I did something without paparazzi following us.”

“Well you don’t really go out of your way to remain hidden…” Liam responds. I look at him with a frown.

“Well it’s kind of difficult you know… we can’t go anywhere fun.”

“Yes you can. Just use your imagination. Like Zayn and Emily went to Dubai and no one got pictures of them there. Danielle and I stayed in last week and built a fort and played with Loki. Sometimes you just have to be creative if you don’t want to be photographed” I frown, feeling like I was being scolded, even though he was right. We had had plenty of fun before we’d gone to London, back in her hometown. And no one had even known where we were. Oh to go back to that first trip when we’d watched movies and made homemade ice cream.

“Where you going?” Liam asks as I push myself off the couch and begin walking back towards my bunk.

“I’m going to go call Lauren.”

“You do realize it’s like 3 in the morning there right?”

I pause. I hadn’t thought about that.

“Well, I’ll text her first to see if she’s still up then.” I walk past Harry and Niall playing FIFA and back towards the beds. I see Zayn Skyping with Emily and pause to make faces at her from behind him until she finally can’t resist laughing and Zayn’s head snaps up to see me there. I run off before he can smack me and grab my own computer with a laugh. I wait impatiently for her to respond to my text, hoping she was still up. I let out a breath when she texts me back asking what was going on.

After a quick text of telling her to come on Skype, her name appears. I hit the call and she appears on the screen.

“What’s going on?” she asks with a yawn.

“Sorry, did I wake you up?” I ask. She shakes her head.

“Nah, I’m pulling an all-nighter for a test. I’m on my third cup of coffee,” she says with a grin, holding up a mug.

“Oh jeez, sounds awful,” I say with a grin. She nods slightly, her eyes drifting shut.

“Hey” I shout and her eyes jerk open.

“Hmm sorry” she mumbles. “So what did you want?”

“Nothing, I just missed you,” I say, watching as she looks back up at the screen, a soft smile coming to her face.

“I miss you too”

“Sorry we didn’t get much time alone last time you were here”

“It’s fine, next time,” She says, looking down and I assume reading her textbook.

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