Chapter 8

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Lauren’s POV

“I thought I might find you out here”

I look over to see my dad standing in the doorway of stable, my little puppy by his feet, his tail wagging. Two months had passed and I was home for spring break.  The deadline for the cover contest was looming nearer and nearer. Peyton had entered. She’d been so excited when she’d shown me her cover. It was an interesting one. She’d played her saxophone in it. She’d been praying every night that she’d win. I hadn’t entered yet, hoping that maybe Hunter would reconsider. That maybe he’d see reason. I’d tried everything. I tried sucking up, arguing, begging, I’d even cried. None of it worked. I always knew he was the more stubborn of the two of us. Now I was in the, refuse to talk to him stage. I hoped the silent treatment would get him to change his mind.

“You alright darlin’?” my dad asks me and I remain silent, resuming brushing Ghost, my horse’s, mane.

“He don’t mean no harm by it” he continues softly, resting a hand on my shoulder, as he stands next to me.

“I don’t want to do this!” I say exasperated. “Can’t you make him not tell? I don’t sing in front of people.”

“You used to. I never understood why you stopped. You’ve got such a beautiful voice.”

I sigh, leaning against him, letting my hand holding the brush fall to my side. I’d always been a Daddy’s girl. When Hunter and I had gotten old enough, he’d taken us out hunting together. Ironically, Hunter wasn’t much of a hunter. I seemed to be a natural shot and while I didn’t particularly like killing animals, I liked spending time with my dad. The two of us often went on horse rides together also. It was these simple country things that I liked so much. Hunter never seemed to care much about them, but we always knew he was too big for this little town. He was destined for greatness and as much as he tried to understand the pull of country life, he just didn’t get it. I did though. I understood why my dad loved it here so much. I felt the pull also. And even though I was going to go into computers, there was no doubt in my mind I wanted to live somewhere simple like here.

“I’ll talk to Hunter if that’s what you’d like. But I really hope you do enter. I know it would mean a lot to me,” he says kissing the top of my head before walking out of the barn and back towards the house.

“What should I do Ghost?” I say softly rubbing her neck. She nickers softly, rubbing her nose at my pocket where I normally carried treats for her. I chuckle, reaching into that pocket pulling out a sugar cube, which she gently takes from my palm.

I knew what I would do. It was one thing to argue with my brother, but if my father wanted me to enter, I would. I couldn’t disappoint him. I pluck Hunter up off the hay bale where he’d fallen asleep. He woke up and licked my cheek, his tail wagging.

“Come on sweetie. Lets go back inside”

Louis’ POV

“Why hasn’t she entered yet?” I cry out in frustration, slamming my fist on the table as my eyes scan the list for the third time. I’d been keeping careful tabs on those who entered, each day looking at the list of new entries to see if her name was on it. There was no way I was going to let her slip through my fingers. “She already has the video, it’s not like she had to learn the song and record or anything”

“I told you Lou. She’s not going to enter. She doesn’t want to be found” Harry says with a shrug.

“But she has to” I whine. There was only a week left, and we’d gotten thousands of auditions. But not her.  I log onto twitter, checking her page to see she’d uploaded a new video. Country Boy’s World (Girl Version), I read.

He was raised up in Jersey
I said oh Lord have mercy
Never seen a one light town 'til he moved down here
He said I'm so bored out of my mind
Need a Starbucks and a wifi
Or a jet airliner to fly me anywhere
I said do you wanna take 
a drive in my truck
Don't pay no mind to that 12 point buck
Laid across my hood


I can’t help but smile as I hear her sing. Just imagining being in that situation gives me the shivers. Life without a Starbucks? What is that?

You ever been to
Rome, Georgia
Picked peaches off the trees
Climbed the water tower in Paris, Tennessee
Been to Florence, Alabama
Drank muscadine wine
Just give me a chance to change your mind
So before you go and fly away boy
Let me show you 'round a country girl's world

Somewhere between there on a dirt road
When I rolled down my window
He smelled the scent of wildflowers on the summer wind
With just a bite of homemade ice cream
And a glass of Momma's sweet tea
This ol' holler's got a way of makin' friends
He'd never seen a glowin' field of fireflies
Or the twinkle of a star in a southern sky
He fell in love


I let my eyes drift shut as I listen to the song, trying to visualize what she was describing. It did seem pretty nice. In London, we hardly ever saw stars because of all the lights.

We went down to

Rome, Georgia
Picked peaches off the trees
Climbed the water tower in Paris, Tennessee
Went to Florence, Alabama
Drank muscadine wine
He gave me a chance and I made him mine
Says he'll never fly away and I’m his girl
It's 'cause I showed him 'round a country girl’s world

Oooh now he's riding shotgun 
Sayin' baby let's run wild

And go down to
Rome, Georgia
Pick peaches off the trees
Climb the water tower in Paris, Tennessee
Go to Florence, Alabama
Drink muscadine wine
He gave me a chance and I made him mine
Says he'll never fly away and I’m his girl
It's 'cause I showed him 'round a country girl’s world

She comes to an end and the screen goes black just like always and I’m left thinking about the song. I’d been to Rome, Paris, and Florence, and yet somehow, she made the Georgia, Tennessee, and Alabama versions sound so much better. I exit out, back to her twitter page to see a new tweet.

@Just_Me: Y’all got what you wanted. I’m in. #LittleThingsCover

“Yes!” I fist pump, startling Harry. He looks over confused and I point to the computer screen even though he probably can’t see it.

“She entered,” I say. He rolls his eyes, chuckling slightly. Tomorrow I’d get the list and her name would be on it. She’d be through to the finals. I was going to meet her in three months.


Yay she entered.Y'all excited for their meeting? Looks like there's trouble in paradise for Elounor also. Let me know what you think. A random commenter gets the dedication so make sure to leave a comment :-)

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