Chapter 5

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Lauren's POV

A scream echoes through the room, waking me up. I jump up and look around, startled as I try to find the source of the noise. I see Peyton at her computer, hastily tapping on her computer.

“What’s going on?” I ask confused. I look at the clock and see it’s only 8:30. I let out a groan as I fall back on my bed. It was a Saturday. I shouldn’t be up this early.

“Oh sorry” she says apologetically. This was the problem with having a morning person as a roommate. “It’s just 3 of the boys are online retweeting videos right now. God I wish I could sing” she adds wistfully before going back to trying to get their attention. I let out a frustrated sigh, pulling the pillow over my head.

Your hand fits in mine like it’s…

I jerk back up as I hear my voice playing out over her computer. I look over, wide-eyed as she looks over at me.

“Oh sorry, I’ll put headphones in” she says, thinking she was keeping me awake. Only there was no way I’d fall back asleep now. How had she found the song? As far as I knew, she didn’t follow YouTube singers.

“How-How did you find that?” I stutter nervously. She looks at me confused.

“The boys are retweeting covers,” she repeats. “Louis tweeted this girl. Apparently he’s gone through more videos than just her cover of them. I wanted to see what all the fuss was about.” I grimace, rolling over on my bed and reaching to grab my computer off the nightstand. I flip onto my back and log onto the twitter account to see, sure enough, my mentions were stuffed with people telling me this guy tweeted me.

“Shit” I mutter under my breath, low enough so Peyton wouldn’t hear me. I close the computer on the tweets, not needing to stir up more attention or people trying to figure out who I was.

“She’s really good” Peyton comments, clicking through a few more videos. “You’d like her. It seems like she does mostly country.”

“Yea sure” I say doing my best to sound nonchalant as I brush off her comments.

“Come on, let’s get breakfast. I’ve never had the Saturday breakfast before” I say sliding out of bed and trying to change the subject.

“Just a sec she says distractedly, clicking around on her computer a little more. Watching over her shoulder, I see her follow me and I grimace slightly. She probably only followed me because of that 1D member. I doubted she’d really watch the videos because, like she said, they were country. But still, it made me uncomfortable knowing she was so close to my secret. She finally shuts her computer and the two of us head down for food, still in our pajamas like the majority of the dorm does on the weekends. Saturdays were lazy days. It was odd to see people out of pajamas, even at 4 in the afternoon. When we get down to the cafeteria, I finally see what all the fuss is about. The breakfast spread was huge. I fill my plate until it’s overflowing before taking the seat by Peyton.

“This is great,” I mumble through a mouthful of food. “I should get up more often” I add, knowing that I wont. As much as I loved food, sleep held priority. Peyton just chuckles, eating her omelets. As we eat, we catch up on how winter break was. We hadn’t had much time to talk when classes had just started, but now we did over breakfast. She tells me about how chaotic her Christmas had been with her large family, and I tell her how my Christmas had been relatively quiet with just my parents and I. Hunter hadn’t been able to make it home in time for Christmas, but we celebrated with him later when he was home. Not that I would have told her about Hunter even if he had been there. It helped cement the whole only child belief though.

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