Chapter 6

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Lauren's POV

“Dammit” I mutter under my breath as I scan through the email. Usually I had a couple people emailing me critiques or praise, but I’d just filter those out as I went through the song requests. I know they meant well, but I didn’t want to read it since that wasn’t why I was posting the videos. But today, the email was full of emails from people asking who I was. Apparently that One Direction guy was determined to find out who I was. This wasn’t good.  I knew how fan girls were. They could find out anything if they put their mind to it. They’d even gotten their hands on Hunter’s phone number once at the beginning of his career. That had been funny. His phone had practically exploded. It had gotten so many calls and texts that it had shut off and refused to turn back on. For a month after that, whenever he’d gotten on my nerves, I threatened to give out his phone number again. I’d had him under my thumb until he started bringing up the YouTube account again.

I log onto the twitter account and see my mentions are the same as my email. People were asking me who I was, or making guesses of who I was. Nobody was guessing the truth from what I could see which was a small comfort.

@Just_Me: I think my next song is going to have to be Michael Jackson’s Privacy. #LeaveMeAlone #ImNotTelling

I doubted that would do anything but I was hoping it would encourage people to back off. I was a private person and didn’t want to lose that. I just hoped he’d get the hint. I log off and close the Internet, focusing back on the coding project I was supposed to be doing. Midterms were fast approaching and I needed to catch up on my projects so I’d be ready for the tests. I hated letting music interfere with my coursework, but I knew that I couldn’t just stop playing. It was too much a part of who I was. It would be like cutting off an arm. It was a lot easier when I didn’t have to stress about people figuring out who I was also.

Louis’s POV

“Lou what are you doing? Why can’t you leave that poor girl alone?” Eleanor asks.

“Hmm?” I ask distractedly, looking up from my computer where I had been reading through all the fan’s opinions on who my mystery girl was.

“She obviously doesn’t want to be found. Just let her be” El says with a frown.

“But I want to know” I protest. Her frown deepens and she crosses her arms, turning slightly away from me. I let out a frustrated sigh, running my hand through my hair as I get the silent treatment. It had been like this for over a month now. We’d been getting on each other’s nerves a lot recently. Someone would say something, which would either result in a fight or silent treatment. Liam said it was nothing to worry about; that it was just a phase. He and Danielle had gone through it and it had resulted in a momentary breakup but now they were back together, as happy as ever. He said that I just had to trust that things would work out like they were supposed to. I had to believe he was right, but looking over at Eleanor whose lips were pursed together as she stared angrily ahead, I felt like there was something off. We weren’t the same as we used to be.  Our relationship didn’t seem as natural as it used to be. It was like we were forcing it.

I turn my attention away from Eleanor, back to the computer, reading my mystery girl’s latest tweets. El was certainly right about it seeming like she didn’t want to be found, but I doubted it. Everyone wanted to be famous. It’s just a matter of being scared of not making it.

@Louis_Tomlinson: One way or another I’m gonna find ya… #BlondieIsGreat

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