Part Two

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                "I think you'd look nice with your hair pulled back," Hanji suggests, "You know, maybe add some hair gel?"

"Hair gel is disgusting."

"Maybe we could put some hair clips in it, then."

"What do I look like, a five year old?"

"No, but you do look like a grumpy old man who's getting flustered over a little date."

"I'm not old," Levi mutters.

"But you are grumpy and getting flustered-"

"Just fix my fucking hair up," Levi interrupts, shooting her daggers with his eyes.

Hanji giggles, and she goes to stand behind Levi in his kitchen. Levi doesn't have a particularly big apartment, but his kitchen is wide enough for Hanji to have set up a chair by the counters - a chair in which Levi now sits - with a small mirror perched up for Levi to be able to assess his appearance as Hanji alters it.

"So what do you think he'd like?" Hanji asks, "Maybe he likes the bad boy type. Eyeliner, maybe? Or perhaps we should throw all your hair to one side, you do have the undercut for it."

Levi raises his eyebrows, not giving her a direct answer. Hanji taps her foot against the floor for a moment, before deciding on what she should experiment with.

Levi has an hour before he has to meet up with Eren - it had taken some time for him to work up the courage to admit to Hanji what he'd done, but she seemed incredibly supportive when she found out. Levi supposes that this shouldn't surprise him - Hanji would be supportive even if Levi had committed some sort of heinous crime against humanity.

Levi watches through the mirror as Hanji runs her fingers through Levi's hair, flipping it over so that it's all facing eastward. A few strands fall away from position, and Hanji has to run into Levi's bathroom to grab a bottle of hairspray to keep the hair in place. She does a fine job with it, Levi must admit - it feels heavy on his head, but he does look a little less like, ah, a serial killer.

"So, about the outfit," Hanji says once she decides that his hair looks as good as it's going to get - the undercut on the right side of his head is hidden, but on the left it's in full view, his dark hair shining under the lighting of the room. "I'm thinking that you dress up, but not too much, you know? Actually, I'll pick out the clothing. Wait here."

Levi doesn't say anything, listening as she jolts across the room and leaves, on her way to Levi's bedroom.

Levi, admittedly, is nervous - Eren could so easily just not show up, and while that shouldn't upset Levi, it does. He knows nearly nothing about Eren, but the prospect of never getting to know more about his angel hurts. He wants to listen to a freckled face talk to him about the weather outside, maybe finally get a chance to finish counting how many freckles are on his face. And, once he's done with his face, he'll move on to his shoulders and down his back, and who knows? Maybe he has freckles on his legs.

Levi wants to kiss them, he wants to kiss Eren. He wants to get to know him better and find out if his personality is as luxurious as his voice and his cheeks are.

"Ah, Levi," Hanji says, coming back into the room with her arms full of clothing, "I couldn't decide on one outfit, so I want you to try on all of these."

"You're fucking kidding me, Hanji."

"No, I'm not," she pleads, "Look, okay? Here's the first outfit - it's not my favorite, but I love the shirt, and I think you'd look great in it. You have the right kind of shoulders for it."

Levi twists his body around to face her, only paying half of his attention as Hanji holds up the outfit in question. Levi begrudgingly stands up from his seat in the center of the kitchen, and he walks over to her, snatching the outfit from her hands. His time is dwindling, and he only has so long before he has to meet up with Eren for their date. He doesn't have time to sit around with Hanji and be incredibly picky about what he wears, so he just has high hopes that this outfit doesn't look like shit.

Levi, carrying the clothing in his arms, makes the short trek over to his bathroom to change. He shuts the door behind him and locks it, not bothering to check and see what Hanji's doing - quite frankly, he doesn't he care what she's doing as long as it doesn't involve setting his apartment on fire.

Levi switches out his current outfit, struggling with the buttons as he puts on the one that Hanji had prepared - it's a plain white dress shirt with sleeves that reach his elbows, loose around his waist but tighter on his upper body. The pants are a little more form fitting, and Levi's a little surprised to find, as he looks in the mirror hanging on the back of his bathroom door, he actually likes what Hanji's chosen. Maybe it shouldn't leave him so aghast as it does, though - Hanji's full of different talents and abilities.

Levi's heart races a little faster as his mind wanders off and starts to imagine what Eren will be wearing, what Levi's angel is able to find in his closet and drape over his wonderful curves. His hips, they looked so grabbable, his legs just begging to have a certain dark-haired man placed right between them, his freckles perfect for kissing over and over and over again.

Levi can't wait to see Eren again. He can't wait to find out, once and for all, if the worrying and stressing that he's been doing for the past twenty-four hours has been worth it, if Eren's worth taking out on another date or two.

If Eren's worth dating again, then hell if Levi won't do everything in his power to claim Eren and his beautiful freckles as his.

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