Chapter Fifteen- The Dragons We Create

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I had realized in all this while, the dinner was left manned by the nineteen year old twigs I hired last winter. They only worried about their nails and if their cleavage was hanging out just enough to tease before rejecting any man with a purity facade. It drove me insane but nobody was looking for a job as a waitress. As I entered the establishment after all that time away, I found, to my surprise, how it was clean. Truly my mouth dropped past my chin and I was welcomed by my staff who greeted me with kind smiles before they informed me they were hired by a "higher power". I knew instantly the last name of this "higher power"; Chadwick. A name forever embedded in my mind. Sure enough, I was right.

I blew off the thought as they told me this was the same day the contract was created and I had become his official engaging submissive. Tallying up the numbers and stock, memories of Vincent and I locked away in here and held at gun point replayed in my mind. In fact, it kept me from achieving any actual work...I blushed at the moments that followed in my head as I new they were full of kinky sexual encounters that would make even the most open minded quiver.

The blowing of a car's muffler made me jump from my position before I turned quickly and found Chase behind me. He wore an almost killer look on his face as he had grown facial hair since I had last seen him. His chin and cheeks were now layered with a thin structure that made him arousing to me, but my anger for his anger against me made me stand offish. I pushed myself from him before he cocked his head at me and smirked.

"I see you're feeling better, I'm so glad." He went to kiss me but I stepped back. He squinted before crossing his arms and leaning against the bar. "I don't appreciate seeing you here. I thought you were cheating on me or something. I mean I know Vincent isn't alive or anything but still...You are a very beautiful woman and I thought someone else saw that as well..."

I paused. Was this his way of trying to make good for the past week or two? No thank you if this is an attempt at an apology. It took everything I had not to laugh in his face or spit at him just from disgust and pity. Knowing he was such a hypocrite.

"You would never cheat on me, right?" My question almost shocked him to the point of anger as he moved far back from me and hit his hands hard on the counter.

"Of course not! You know how I feel about that and what happened with my ex. Why would you ask that?"

"I just feel as though you're distant..."

"You have been pushing me away." He lowered his voice before continuing. "We haven't made love in two months...Two months!"

"A lot has been happening-"

"Yeah, that is what I'm worried about. Adelaide...." He came close to me before suddenly his hands were on my waist and I realized I admired them there as well as his eyes looking into mine. "You are the only woman I have ever truly loved. Before you, it was a lustful admiration which was dangerous... and I know that now. Please don't give up on me baby." His words tugged incredibly on my heartstrings and before I could refuse, he kissed me. In such a way that nearly broke me where I stood as I realized I was torn between two men. One M.I.A. and the other standing before me keeping secrets...I was unsure what to do. I needed a sign of some kind...something...anything!

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