Chapter Eleven- Encounters Too Close

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I winced as the moment came to maximum potential before I broke from my skin and screamed as loud as I could manage. He had a way of making me melt within his touch and I basked in it. We had not left the apartment for hours and in total-days. Giving excuses to both my job and my fiance, I decided to enjoy this time as I had a bad feeling it may be some time I can enjoy this with him in such a way. I couldn't help but endure the painful satisfaction he gave to me whether it was physical or verbal. He kept calling me submissive each chance he got as he loved knowing he owned me in a way nobody else did. I made my way into the kitchen after one encounter as he was asleep in the playroom before I realized I had been physically injured. Bruises marked my neck and wrists from the binds and the force he used. I knew questions would be asked so I knew it was best to not let him do it again.

Taking healthy food from the fridge, I ate everything within minutes and took the moments of reflection to heart. For some reason, guilt did not cross me but sadness did. Sadness for having to leave Vincent? Sadness for how I would look at myself from this point on? I wasn't sure but as my mind became incredibly annoyed, I realized how disgusting I felt. Covered in sweat and sex. I decided to shower as he slept then I would join him.

As I showered, I heard the noises of footsteps outside the shower and smirked knowing it was Vincent wanting yet another encounter. I scrubbed and shaved quickly just to be sure he didn't whip me for not maintaining myself before he then exited the room. Not thinking anything of it at the time, I exited the shower to find a strange scene. A gun on the counter of the sink pointed toward the door. I noticed how it was tied to a string above the door. A boobytrap! I quickly brought the gun and angled it toward the shower before it went off, alarming him as he ran into the bathroom. He stopped dead in his tracks as we went back out into the living room and found the front door just closing from someone who left in a hurry....

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