Nine Boys...- Chapter 15

Start from the beginning

    As if he remembered, he let go and pulled a plate over to me. His mood shifting instantly from dominating and playful to serious. "You should eat lunch. We may need to leave a little early to get to our next class." I pouted as he started eating. All I could do was start eating too.

    I saw Nick frown at Daemon. He looked at me giving me a question mark expression. I shrugged shanking my head. I had no clue why Daemon had just switched off like that. Nick pouted to me and gave my hand a squeeze before he started to eat too.

    After we finished eating and it was close to the end of lunch, Daemon got up to grab both our bags and help me out of my seat. "We'll see you guys later." The guys bid farewell to us and we walked down the hall.

    I stopped us almost to the classroom. Daemon looked like he was about to panic in a second because I did. "Are you okay? Do you need a break for a second? Or I could carry you the rest of the way."

    I pulled away from him and narrowed my eyes. "Stop. I am fine. What happened to you back there?" I pointed the way we came. "One second you were playing and we were having fun with the guys on the verge of complaining to the next second you stop and had emotionally distanced yourself."

    He ran his hand over his face before he ran his hands through his hair. "I'm sorry." He groaned before he thudded against the painted brick wall. "This is all so new to me." His eyes went down to my casted leg. "We've only been together less than a week and I almost lost you."

     I hobbled up to him and touched his cheek with my casted hand. He placed his hand over mine to hold it to his cheek as he closed his eyes. "I was the one to see you fall off the cliff." He swallowed as he looked at me and I saw pain in his eyes. "My heart had stopped at that moment and still hurts seeing you injured."

    He pulled me to him and held me tight. I laid my head on his chest. "I've never had this feeling before. I'm scared that I'll wake and you didn't survive. That you're still laying on that rock dead." His voice was low and filled with pain as it cracked.

    I pulled back a little and cupped his face in my hand the best I could. "I here and with you. This is real."

    Daemon placed his forehead against mine. "I dreamt last night that you were dead. That your brother went after me thinking I was the one who killed you and I let him. I felt so empty inside thinking you had died."

    Wrapped my arms around his neck and held him tight. "Come to me the next time you dream that. Even if it's in the middle of the night. I want to hold you and tell you that I'm alive."

    He nodded and took in deep breathes as he centered himself. "I just can't loss you when I just found you." He confesses into my ear.

    "I know. You haven't and won't. You'll get sick and tired of me before anything happens." He chuckled and I pulled back. "For now, can you carry me as my leg is now hurting from standing so long?" I asked as I placed my hands on my hips.

    He laughed and scooped me up. My cast leg sticking out slightly as the cast made it difficult to have my leg hang over his arm. I placed my cast arm against his chest with my other arm around his neck.

    "I wish you had continued to play around with me at lunch." I pouted. "I love hearing the guys complain about us and I love your macho, sexified comments. Those are so you. The 'so full of himself and his sexual prowess' is what I've grown to love hearing from you."

    Daemon smirked and wiggled his eyebrows. "Mmm... sexual prowess huh? You want to hear how well endowed I'm? If you want, I'll set you down and drop trou for you to inspect it for yourself. See why so many want me constantly."

Nine Boys... Then There's Me. {A Royal Wolves Story #1&2}Where stories live. Discover now