Chapter 6

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"And here is the last room, my room," I said opening the door to my horribly messy room. "Sweet,"  he said immediately going to the posters on my wall, "No way!" He said, "You like Nirvana and Pink Flyod?!" He said freaking out. I chuckled, "Yeah, I have a really weird music taste." I said, I like anything from Frank Ocean and Lana del Rey, to Drake and Kendrick, to One Direction and Little Mix. "Wow, you like a ton of different genres," He said studying all my posters. I saved one wall for all my posters and pictures, I call it my "fan girl wall". When I was younger I used to have one direction posters all over my room. You couldn't even see the wall there were so many! 

But as I got older, I found new bands, and toned down my "fan girling" a lot. "You have your own computer?" He said in awe. "Yeah I saved up for almost a year to get it." I lied. I actually got the computer from my parents as a "get well soon" present. But I didn't want to sound like a brat. There was an awkward silence and we were just kind of staring at each other. 

"Hey," I said opening my computer, "Want to make that cover now?" I said logging into my YouTube channel. "Sure!" He said plopping down next to me, "Want to do one for each of our channels?" He said going onto his channel on his phone. "Sounds good!" I said looking up some duet covers. "Want to sing this song?" I said pulling up Stay by Rihanna and Mikky Ekko. "Ok! And for my channel do you want to sing that new song that just came out, Marvin Gaye I think it's called?" He asked. I. Literally. Squealed. That's the chart topper on my favorite songs! 

"I'll take that as a yes," He said laughing. I set up my phone on all the books again and did the routine. Before I knew it we were already done singing the song. "Thanks for watching guys! Be sure to check out the video we did on Luke's channel too, I'll link it in the description box below! Bye guys!" I said smiling and waving. Luke did the same. "That was great!" I said uploading the video. 

I had no idea what or how to "link it in the description box below", but I hear youtubers say it all the time, so I guess now it's my turn. By the time we were done filming Luke's video and uploading it , and teaching me how to put things in the "description box below". We had already gotten dozens of likes and comments. Both our channels are growing so much. My only fear is it growing too much. As in, "kids at school finding out about it too much."

There's things I don't even want to imagine, all of them making fun of it, commenting rude things, and even worse, calling me "Callie California". Now, I know what your thinking, "If you'd be embarrassed about being called that, then why make it that?" Well, first of all I'm too lazy, second of all I don't want to get people confused and stuff if I did end up changing it, simple as that. 

Me and Luke were laying on the floor when suddenly he sits up, "Can't you just imagine it though?" He said his eyes twinkling. "What," I said sitting up too. "Our names, in shining lights, in every city, in every stadium!" He said now standing, "We could become famous!" He yelled, his arms stretched out spinning in a victory circle. "In your dreams." I said shooting a hair tie from my wrist at his stomach. 

"Ahhhhh, I've just been shot," He said quoting Pitch Perfect and bending over, "If this is how I go, tell my mom I love her." He whispered laying on the ground tongue sticking out. I laughed,"You've seen Pitch Perfect? " I ask, shooting another rubber band at his arm. "Who hasn't? I haven't been living under a rock my whole life." He said quoting the movie again. 

I shot another rubber band hitting his stomach again, "Bulls eye!" I shouted laughing. He grabbed the ones I shot at him and started shooting them back. "THIS IS WAR!" I screamed grabbing some black hair ties from my desk and crouching behind it. He grabbed some off of my nightstand and hid by the side of my bed. 

IT. WAS. MAD. Hair ties flying all over, at each other, at the ceiling, and some even knocked stuff over. When suddenly I found a better hiding spot, behind my other night stand.  The way my rooms set up, is that I have 2 night stands, one on each side of my bed, and then a little crack in between the wall and the side of the night stand. But, there's a whole space behind my bed, convenient for hiding, you know?

I tip-toed to the hole while he was looking for more hair bands under my bed. I squeezed in between the wall and the night stand holding fire, when suddenly the rubber bands stopped shooting every direction, and it was silent. I could only see in front of me since things on my night stand blocked my side view. But all the sudden I felt 2 huge hands pick me up off the ground. "Gotcha!" Luke said picking me up in the little space behind my bed and carrying me to the front of the bed. "AHH let me go!" I screamed thrashing around, but it was no use. 

He plopped me on the bed on my back, but his hands still around my side. He suddenly got a mischievous look on his face. My eyes widened as his hands gripped tighter on my sides. Dang it Luke. "S- STO-STOP" I said in between laughs as he tickled me. He was laughing as I cried out in "pain". Finally he stopped and was still hanging over me, but now his whole body was over me on the bed. We were both breathing heavy, trying to catch our breath.

When we were calm he was kind of awkwardly staring at me, so I stared back at his gorgeous light blue eyes. When (finally) he started leaning in until his face was inches from mine, but in the split second his lis touched mine, the door opened. "Cal I'm ho-" My mother said stopping mid sentence in shock. Luke, ninja quick hopped off the bed, and I sat up. My mother's face went from shocked to a smirk in under a couple seconds.

"Just wanted to say I was home." She said from the door. "Hi," Luke said coming out from the side of my bed, "M-my name is Luke Hemmings, I go to school with Callie." He said fidgeting around. Aw, he's so cute when he's nervous. "HiLuke, I'm Callie's mom but you can call me Lily." She said smiling. There was an awkward silence before my mom, being a mom said, "Looks like were in the name club!" She said using jazz hands at the words "name club". They both laughed before me being a teenage daughter said, "Alright mom thanks for stopping by but you must be on your way, bye now, good night." I said waving. She rolled her eyes at me, waved to Luke then shut the door behind her. 

"I like your mom." Luke said after a couple minutes of silence. I smiled to myself, "Alright got meeting the 'parents' out of the way, now we just have to go on a couple dates, fall in love, then get married! It won't even be awkward when my mom tells me to invite him to dinner at our house! Thanks mom" I thought to myself.


Helllloooooooo everybody, I don't know why it is that I only write and publish at like 12AM lololol. This is a suppppppperrrrrr long chapter it's at least more then double the amount of typical characters or words or word count what ever you want to call it,but, I'm proud of myself :).

BUT school starts in a week for me and I'm literally about to cry just thinking about it. I feel like I did nothing all summer, oh wait I didn't do anything all summer :(   

Comment if you can relate^ lol

Alright just so the authors note isn't longer then the actual chapter,  I'll see you lovelies in the next one xoxo-E

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2015 ⏰

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