Chapter Ten:Our World

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It was hard to sleep.Hard to think.My life was empty.I couldn't eat unless I was forced to.Every day was living hell.My grandma couldn't talk me out of this dispare.I hated myself.I hated everything.When Syd moved,it was worse.I couldn't relate to any music beause I couldn't listen to anything without thinking of him.He floated everywhere.My dreams mostly.I dreamt about him every night and woke up to tears.People started getting really worried about me.My teachers couldn't get me to pay attention.I stared off into space a lot.I stopped doing homework.I stopped caring.

I tried to numb the pain.Cutting didn't help me much.I eventually fould where my mom hid the whiskey and started taking it.In all honesty,I didn't care if she found out that I was drinking it.

Grandma eventually moved in with us for good.She needed a place to stay,which didn't matter to me.Nothing mattered to me.And that's how I got where I am now.


I snapped out of it and found myself looking at that bear again.I held it in my arms and walked to the window.I needed air.I felt strangled by the memories.I opened the window and fresh air filled my lungs.It was extremely windy.I heard my sketchbooks on the desk behind me being opened to random pages by the wind.I didn't care.They were all filled with terrible,depressing pictures that I had drawn in my alone time.

I walked back to my nightstand and picked the gun back up.This was it.I had relived the story in my memories.That was good.Now was the time.I turned and looked back at my sketchbooks.I don't know why I did it,but maybe it was for memory's sake.But I'm glad I did.

The sketchbook that sat in the center of all the other books was opened to the page that had Jase's name written on it.I walked over to it and put my hand on it one more time.

"Hey,gordeous.Why would you do something so stupid."The voice nearly made me drop to my knees.But it always had that effect on me.I turned around and Jase stood smiling at me.

"Don't lok so shocked,baby.Did you miss me?"He gave me his handsome half smile.

"A-Are you real?"Tears filled my eyes.

"Actually,no.Your grandma's a genious,isn't she?I'm only here for a few seconds.I have to go soon."

"No!"I yelled.

"Shhh"He shushed me."Here,I have an idea.Just trust me."He put one of his hands on the sketchbook page and held my hand in the other.He smiles at me.I watched as the hand that he was holding began to turn black from ink.

"No!I'm hurting you!"

"No you aren't.Trust me."He smiled.The ink went up my arm and soon completely covered me.Then ,in a flash,I looked like myself again.

"Jase..What did you-"I was cut off when he pulled me close to him and his lips crashed down on mine.It was the most amazing thing that I had ever felt.It felt so right.Like I had been waiting my whole life just for that moment.I had.

He broke the kiss but still held me close."Come with me.Be my queen."He looked at me,then at the sketchbook.

I gave him a confused look."You'll love it.I can be with you forever.You can be mine and I can be yours.Please,Kyla."He gave me a hopeful look.

 I smiled"As long as its forever and ever."I put my hand on the sketchbook where his was and kissed him as we went home.Our home.

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