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I can't wait to see the boys and girls. I squealed jumping on Jacob's back. He was taking me to see The pack since I haven't seen them after we last seen the Volturi. Just to let you know the girls are not there only Leah and Emily and half of the boys are not there Only Paul and Embry and Seth cause the rest has to guard the territory. He explained putting me down on the porch. He unlocked the door and I was soon embraced by a group hug. I pulled away to see everyone smiling at me except Jacob who's face looked normal. I missed you so much. Leah said hugging me again. You to Leah. I said pulling away. We all walked in and were in the living room talking. Wanna help me make popcorn? Leah asked getting up. Sure. I said following. So how are you and Jacob? She asked. Were doing fine..he wasn't to thrilled when I said I miss you and the guys. I shrugged. Well They are guys so you know boyfriends are protective. She said looking down. You must have one then. I smiled. Had one. She corrected making a second bowl. Sam and I used to be together..but broke up when he imprinted on Emily cause she was the one for him. She said looking down. Are you mad at her? I asked. She sighed and smiled a little. No I am actually not because she was the one for him and I have to respect that sure we don't talk to each other but I'm not mad at her. She explained. I got you. I said understanding. I turned around and bumped into something or someone hard causing me to fall on top of them. I looked down at the person to see it was Seth. Oh Seth I'm so sorry. I said trying to get off him but my shoe was stuck in a little crack in the floor. Its fine Becca.. If you could just get off me this would be less awkward. He said laughing nervously. I can't my shoe is stuck in something. I said nervously back. Becca what the hell? Jacob said standing up infront of me. Leah then helped me up and I helped Seth up. Jacob this isn't what it looks like. I tried to say. Oh this is exactly what it looks like. He said getting in Seth's face. I stood in front of Seth causing Jacob to get angry. He didn't do anything Jake I promise. I said trying to tell him. Its true. Leah butted in. Your just taking her side cause she's your friend. Jacob said angrily. Jacob we are telling the truth. Seth said. I don't believe either of you especially you Rebecca your a slut fooling around with Paul then Embry the Seth then turn back around to me. He said his face red. Ok now your just making things up, I am not fooling around with anyone. I said hurt at what he said to me. Yes you are you know what forget it we are over you mean nothing to me just go back to those leeches that you call your Family. He said walking away. I felt tears and my eyes and I walked out the kitchen and headed straight to the door slamming it hearing it break. By now I felt my head blow out with steam and anger rushed all threw my body. I used my vampire speed running threw the forest knocking down trees with all my strength. I then screamed so loud that I think the whole university heard. I can't believe he would say and think that about me. After all we have been through he thinks I would cheat on him like what the hell. I soon got tired of hitting trees and sat on the ground putting my head in my hands. I started to sob loudly but now I was bawling my eyes out. I never notice I took a time out of my day to just cry. Jacob was the only guy I wanted I ever needed and he jump break up with all over something that I didn't do and I was a misunderstanding. I then felt myself get tired. I laid my head against a tree and put my arm under my head supporting it. I then felt my self drift off into a very sad sleep.
* Bella's POV*
*12:09 am*
Is she over there? I asked Jasper panicking. He shook his head no in worry. I sighed rubbing my fingers threw my hair. Don't worry Bella Emmett and Carlisle and Edward will find her. Esme said resuringly. Rebecca has been gone since 9am this morning and it now 12am and she still isn't back. We called Jacob and he said he broke up with her and she left and they do not know where she is. Maybe she is hunting. Alice suggested. Alice Rebecca only weighs 137 pounds (That's not fat BTW just because the number seems big doesn't make the person big and just saying) she can only drink one animals blood and she doesn't even drink blood which she needs to what makes you think she would be eating until 12am? Rosalie asked tears pouring down her face. Oh..right. Alice said looking down. The door open to reveal Carlisle holding Rebecca bridal style. Oh thank god. I said running to her checking if she was okay. She's okay but her knuckles are injured.. From looking at the trees in the forest its an obvious answer that she punched them. Carlisle said. Here I'll take her and change her. I said grabbing her and taking her in her room and doing just as I said. I tucked her in her bed and sighed and kissed her cheek but not before looking at her neck seeing two marks. I looked closely seeing that they looked like eyes. I moved away from her and getting up and walking out and shutting her door. I walked downstairs seeing everyone looking stressed and relieved. I sat down next to Edward. Poor Becky..she got her heart Brocken by that mutt. Emmett said discussed. I hope she will be okay and takes it well. Esme said. After looking at those trees I doubt she will be ok. Edward scoffed. Well at least she's here now. Rosalie stated. I agree. Jasper said. Well let's just get some rest. Carlisle said as everyone went to bed. I laid down beside Edward wrapping the cover around me. I hope she will be ok and not be like me when Edward left me.

The Big Bad Wolf *Jacob Black story*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora