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I got out the shower drying off my body etc. I put on some clothes. (You get the picture) Its been 3days since I met Jacob and his friends and what Emmett said to me. I don't know why but I just decided not come over there for a while. I walked downstairs seeing Jacob and Edward and Bella arguing well mostly Bella and Jacob. I took one step back and crouch down eavesdropping on their conversation.
Bella: Jake please just do this one thing for me please.
Jacob: I can't Bella she's part of your little family now just like you are.
Edward: Please your the only person that my family looks to and to protect Bella's sister she needs to stay with you guys for a little bit.
Jacob: *sighs* Alright fine..but if she makes me the slightest bit of mad I will make sure she is one of us.
Bella: okay fine whatever but I just want her protected.
Edward: And Jacob...try not to imprint on her.
I walked back down the stairs pretending I didn't hear a thing. Hey guys. I said fake smiling. They looked at me and fake smiled back except Jacob. What's his deal with me. Hey...Bec. Bella said using my nickname that she never calls me do it let's me know that's something is up. What do you want? I asked folding my arms. Jacob just stared at me as if I was a deer and he was the wolf. Creepy. Becca..there is going to be some arrangements. I raised my eyebrows knowing what was going to happen I just wanted to hear it again. So...I asked looking confused even though I already knew. Your going to have to live with Jacob. Bella said calmly. Okay I'm cool with that..let me guess for a week? I asked smirking playfully rolling my eyes. Maybe for 5 months. Jacob said still looking at me serious. I then looked at all of them and started laughing but stopped when I saw they weren't laughing. I knew I was going to live with Jacob but not for 5 months. Wait your serious? I asked now getting serious. Yes we are..its only for 5months we have to go somewhere to..find someone. Bella said lying. Well then shouldn't you come to? I asked a little angry. Bella was about to say something but Jacob beat her to it. Look just face the fact that your staying with me for a little bit now pack your things so we can go. He said sternly. Who does he think he is? Your not my dad who do you think you are..and Bella why would you send me to somebody I haven't even known for 48 hours? And I thought you were  loyal brother Edward. I said now angry. Listen Becca..I'm the older sister...I know what's best for you I'm just trying to protect you. She said calmly. Oh yeah you sure do know what's best for me..treating me like im a nerd for about 11 years over a freaken barbie doll that you can by for 5 or 10 dollars at Walmart..oh yeah you sure do know what is best for me. I said sarcastically. She rolled her eyes and sighed. Please..its for your safety and to make it better I'll cut it to 3 months. She suggested Calmly. I hesitated for a moment but then nodded my head. She then hugged me tightly and I hugged back. I pulled away and sighed. I guess I better get packing after all maybe it won't be so bad living with you Jake. I said smirking at him. He looked at me and glared and then turned away. I stuck my tongue at him and walked upstairs and started packing my clothes in my suitcases. I zipped up my last suitcase and started walking downstairs setting them down. Okay..I'm ready. I said a little quiet. I looked around seeing Jacob gone. Where's Jake? I asked. He went back home and said that I can just drop you off. Edward said. But where is everyone? I asked curious. They went to the place we are going early. Edward answered. Bella came up and hugged me tightly. Ill see you in 3 months..I love you. She said sadly. I love you to. I said before walking out the door. Edward put my bags in and got in the car starting it. We arrived there 20 minutes later and Edward got out the car and so did I and I got my things out. Well I guess this is a goodbye. He said shrugging. Aw this isn't a goodbye your just not going to see me for awhile that's all. I said rubbing his shoulder. He hugged me tightly before pulling away. I'll see you in 3months. He said getting in his car and rolled down the window. If they hurt you in any kind away tell them that Emmett will take care of them. He smirked. Why you can't take care of them? I questioned smirking back. I'm fast but not strong. He said before speeding off quickly. I rolled my eyes and walked to the house that I haven't seen in 3days. I knocked on the door and once again I was greeted by Billy. Hello Rebecca..its nice to see you again. He smiled letting me in and shutting the door. I was soon picked up and spunned around in a hug before getting put down. I looked up and saw it was Paul. I missed you so much! He smiled happily. I missed you to. I said smiling back. Here I'll take your stuff and put it in my room. He said grabbing my things but Billy stopped him. I think not..Rebecca is going to sleep in the guest bedroom. He said sternly to Paul. Paul sighed and grabbed them I guess putting them in The guest room. Do you need anything? Billy asked. No I'm fine thank you. I said smiling. Ok well you and paul can watch TV or so until Embry and Jacob get back until then I'll be with your dad Charlie helping with the investment. He said rolling away outside shutting the door. I sat down and folded my legs and got out my phone and played Subway Surfers. Paul came in and sat down beside me and turned on the TV to How I met your mother. So where are Embry and Jacob? I asked facing him. They are helping your dad with the investigation of the wild bears coming into peoples home. He said smiling at me. I didn't know Bears were coming into peoples homes. I said as I laid my head on his shoulder. Oh don't there not hurting them there just..watching them and protecting them. He explained. I don't think a bear would do that..maybe a wolf. I suggested. He got quiet at the end of my sentence but then changed the subject. So do you like it here in Forks? He asked. Its ok I guess. I said looking down. Do you like it at the Cullen's? He asked grabbing my hand and playing with it. I do but its just I feel alone..everyone in that house are together and im all alone with nobody. I said sadly. He grabbed me by my waist and set me sideways on his lap and hugged me. Your not going to always be alone Becca..your going to have someone soon. He said looking at me sympathetically. Besides I think Jake likes you. He said winking. Oh c'mon that bad boy doesn't like me. More like hates me. I said rolling my eyes. I think he does. He said picking me up by my waist and setting me down gently and going into the kitchen. I got up and followed him. What makes you think he does? I asked folding my arms. For one the way he looks at you..two He doesn't like it when me or Embry are around you well because me and Embry kinda like you and your beautiful. He explained grabbing a Gatorade and throwing one to me and I caught it. Ok for one he looks at me creepily and two I'm flattered by you guys liking me but I'm to young and lastly why is everyone saying I'm beautiful. I said walking to the living room and sitting down. Jacob stares at you cause he's checking you out..I know we are to old for you but that is why I'm trying to think of you more of a little sister not saying I'm going to stop flirting with you but yeah and cause you are beautiful. He explained sitting down. I breathed in heavely and slouched down on the couch. And I have to live with his attitude for 3months. I said pouting. Oh don't worry its not that bad living with us..well maybe. He said smirking. Paul stop it I'm serious. I said hitting him in the stomach. He started laughing and then kissed me on my cheek. You will be ok. He said playing with my hair. I then felt myself fall into a deep peaceful slumber.

The Big Bad Wolf *Jacob Black story*Where stories live. Discover now