Rebecca Avan Swan

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My Name is Rebecca Swan..but I usually like to go by Becca or Bec. I'm from Phoenix Arizona the hottest place in America..well from my prospective. Im 15 years old, i was born in 1998 November 20th. I have a older sister Isabella Swan. But she likes to go by Bella. I live with my mom and her boyfriend. Let's just say I'm not my moms favorite. She loves Bella more than me..alot. She will talk to me but then ignore me like I'm not there. Her boyfriend is disgusting. She's only dating him because he's buying her a nice house and makes alot of money. He tries to spoil me only because he just wants to get closer to me in "that" way. I told my mom of course and she just said I could move in with Bella and some people named the Cullen's in Forks Washington. I wouldn't mind living with Charlie our dad but its not really my choice. I kinda have a bad feeling about moving in with Bella. For one She always hated me and never liked me or treated me like a sister. But I guess that's what siblings do. No one knows about me though like when me and Bella were in school to 3rd-5th No one knew I was Bella's sister because she doesn't tell anyone about me. I just hope that she has Changed over the years. Although I haven't seen her in I don't know a long time I still miss her. She may not miss me but I still have to love her since she is my sister. So here I am right now with two big bags of suitcases. Yes I know I don't have a lot of things cause I'm not that type of person to have a whole wardrobe of clothes. I mean I have a lot but its really neat and I'm a neat person so that's why its Two bags. I am waiting for Bella and Her husband to pick me up from the airport. Its muddy and cold here in fork's so I don't really have an Umbrella since I didn't know it was like this. I then heard thunder and 2seconds later I felt a rain drop hit my nose. Oh the glory days of being me.
Rebecca Avan Swan

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