Early Arrival

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It was last day until the Cullen's and Bella came back. It was very awkward between me and Jake I tried to make it less awkward but I end up giving up. I barely hang out with him anymore and the only person I have been hanging out with was Leah Clearwater and her brother Seth Clearwater. They have been in the pack for a long time and I didn't even know. Paul Embry Quil and Jared I met him to won't talk to me cause they are on Jacobs side. And each day I am finding out I have abilities. I have vampire abilities and half human but I also have wolf abilities. I can control minds and move things just by looking at it. I can also read thoughts and make people see what I want to see. Its kinda weird and fun at the same time. I'll be back. I said to Leah getting up and walking out the door. Half of the pack killed the red head girl who I found out that her name was Victoria. I wish I would have killed her but oh well. I'm going to get some air. I said to Leah as she nodded. I looked at Jacob to see him furrowing his eyebrows at me. I walked out the house shutting. I started walking but stopped when I heard Jacobs voice. He caught up to me and smiled. What? I asked bluntly. I just wanted to walk with you. He replied. Yeah well last time you took a half with me you made out with me. I said as we started walking. Why are you acting that way? He asked frowning. I'm sorry its just I'm a little shaken up about the Cullen's coming back I mean..what if they found out? I asked looking at him. He shrugged and looked down. I guess they are just going to have to deal with it. He smiled. Very nice Jake very Nice. I said in sarcasium but started laughing and he laughed to.
*They are at La Push*
It was sunset and Me and Jake were sitting on the sand laughing and talking, but I feel different like when he held my hand I felt tingly and I didn't feel this way when I "liked him" but I feel as though this is right but wrong. Jacob..I'm sorry about that day. I said looking at him. He gazed at me and frowned. Why are you sorry? I should be the one saying sorry not you I let that side of me get the best of me and took it out on the love of my life and I was wrong. He said seriously. I felt my heart pound or maybe exploding and I think he heard it to. He grabbed my hand and intertwined them together and looked me deep into my eyes. Becca I am in LOVE with you..you don't know how I feel. He said deepy serious. I do know. I replied back. No you don't..because if you did you would feel the same way. He stated. I bit my lip looking down at our fingers together. I thought I was in love with Bella but when I saw you my whole world change and it got really bad when I imprinted on you, and you coming into my life was the best thing that ever happened. He stated. I felt tears come to my eyes at the words he spoke. I could tell he really meant it. Jake i-i don't know what to say. I said as a tear slipped out my eye. He wiped them away with his thumb and hugged me. No matter how many times you say no to me I will not stop trying. He whispered. I looked up him in the eye and so did he. And I smashed my lips on his kissing him roughly. It was a passionate make out session that I was enjoying until we pulled away for air. I'm in love with you to..and some promises are meant to be Brocken. I smiled putting my hand on his cheek. He smiled wide and peck me on my lips and pecked me everywhere causing me to giggle. I then heard a car door shut from far far far away. I looked away from Jake and looked in the air. They are back. Becca you alright? Jacob asked. Do you hear that? Listen. I said. Becca no its vampires its a trap. He said warningly. I got up and speed ran to the Cullen's. I finally made it there but stood behind a tree looking at it. Jacob came behind me with no shirt on in his human form. Slow-poke. I said rolling my eyes. Show off. He argued back. I turned back to see Carlisle car. They are back its Carlisle's car. I said walking from behind the tree. No its a trap Becca..I can't protect you here. He warned again grabbing my hand. Its ok I'll be fine just stay here. I said shaking his hand off mine and walking to the house. I opened it and walked in. Hello? I called. Is anyone here? I called again. Becca! I heard Alice's voice. I turned around and ran to her and we hugged eachother and pulled away. Your alive well kinda..but you were bitten by Victoria. She said all fast. Alice slow down. I calmed her. She nodded her head and sighed. How are you still you know here? She asked. Its Because I saved her. A familiar voice say. We turned around to see Jacob this time with a shirt. I thought you said you couldn't protect me here? I questioned. If its the love of my life I will protect her anywhere and everywhere. He spoke confidently. Well im not going to hurt her and The love of your life? I didn't see you save her..and I can't stand you and your pack of muts. Alice said looking at him in discust. I can't stand you and your family of leeches. Jacob argued back. You guys stop it..let's just get along and be glad that I'm okay. I said standing in between them. There is no way I'm going to get along with a cold blood sucker. Jacob sneered. Jacob..Shut Up. I said looking at him warningly. The love of his life? Alice asked me getting back to what Jake said. Jacob imprinted on me and now we are kinda..together. She sighed and looked at me. Becca..werewolves are not good to be around but if your happy I'm happy. She said smiling softly. I better be going. Jacob said coming to me and pecking my lips before walking out the house. But he came back in and went over to me. Unless you want to live with me you might wanna get you clothes tomorrow. He smiled before walking out. I don't know how everyone is going to feel about this Alice said sitting down on the couch. Its ok me and Jake will get threw this together. I said simply. She smiled and hugged me before pulling away. You better get some sleep you have a big day tomorrow. She said walking upstairs. I sighed and walked upstairs and into my room. And took a shower and changed into my PJs and laid in my bed. To be honest I am a little scared about what everyone is going to think of me and Jake especially Edward since I made a promise to him. I guess I'll just have to face it.

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