Start from the beginning

Q: How would each character feel if the other had to leave for a time? How would they react if they broke up?

A: I think we've seen how they both react. But, just for the hell of it, I'm gonna elaborate a little more. Oliver can't do anything. He can't move. He can't think. He just feels incredibly empty. Sometimes he gets sick, but most of the time he just stares up blankly at the ceiling. Ryn is the exact opposite. She'll pace around the room,  her legs bouncing, her fingers moving, as if she can never sit still. 

Q: How do they handle dividing up chores and household duties?

A:  Oliver can't cook for shit, so Ryn would be the one cooking. Oliver would be the one doing laundry, Ryn would probably do the dishes, though she hates it. Oliver and Ryn would take turns mowing the lawn because Ryn demands that girls can just as good as guys can. 

Q: Who brings home the bacon and how?

A: Oliver most certainly brings home the bacon, and as much as he possibly can. He fuckin loves bacon. But, I have a feeling that this means something else so... [looks up 'bringing home the bacon'] OHHHHHHHH OKAY IT MEANS MONEY. Ryn would probably bring home more money than he would at first, because of her job, while Oliver went to college. 

Q: Do they ever resent each other?

A: Umm, duh. Probably on a monthly basis. It's how they work. They get over it every time. 

Q: What activities do they enjoy doing together? What activities does one enjoy that the other doesn't?

A: Oliver constantly pesters Ryn on going bungee jumping. He wants nothing more than to go bungee jumping, though Ryn denies it every time out of her fear of heights. But, other than that, umm... they... SEX. SEX IS AN ACTIVITY, RIGHT? Yeah, it's an activity. Ryn doesn't like doing art because she can't, while Oliver loves it. 

Q: How do they fight for or defend the other?

A: Both of them get very physical when the other is in danger. 

Q: How do they express love for each other? (Examples: Acts of service, physical touch, words of affirmation, quality time, or receiving gifts.

A: Oliver LOVES buying Ryn crap. If he thinks she'll like it, he'll buy it. Even if he doesn't know, he'll buy it. The only reason he doesn't buy her shirts is because he loves seeing her in them, and the one time that he did buy her shirts, she demanded that he took them back because it was a waste of money. He also loves touching her. Not necessarily in a sexual way, just little touches, like kisses on the head or cheek, hands around the waist while she's cooking, constant hugging. Ryn, on the other hand, just loves to spend time with him. Whether it be hanging around him as he's drawing, lying her head on his lap as he's reading, she doesn't like to leave his side. 


Q: Who is more grounded?

A: UMM... Neither? Honestly, they are both very childish once you get deep enough. But, I think Ryn is the more "mature" one, and would be the more grounded one in the relationship, considering Oliver is really fucking childish. 

Q: What values do they both share?


Q: Who takes more responsibility for their actions?

A: This is something they both have problems doing. Oliver's is an insecurity thing, while Ryn's is a pride thing. But, I think Oliver is more secretive than her, so if that counts...? 

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