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Okay so this isn't a chapter, really, but I found this thing on Tumblr about couples SOOOO i decided to answer these for OliRyn! 

Basic Information:

Q: What real couples could they be compared to and why?

A: No one, really. They aren't based off of anyone I know. I don't know any two people so incompatible but compatible at the same time. So yeah-

Q: What fictional couples could they be compared to and why?

A: OH OH OH I KNOW THIS ONE I KNOW THIS ONE- Day and June from Legend. Ryn is badass/a fighter and shit whose brother left her, and it had a big impact on her, someone got killed, yadda yadda, you all know this. And then Oliver vs. Day... Umm, they both grew up in the slums, they're both kind of stubborn, and not to mention the Skiz fights that Day observes, I compare them to the street fights that Oliver participates in. 

Q: What are their common interests?

A: Umm... smoking... fighting... the stars.... is the stars an interest? 

Q: What is the individual goal of each character?

A: Oliver, I haven't mentioned this in the book, I don't think, wants to go to art college. I haven't mentioned his art yet... again, I don't think... but he's really good at it and shit- Yeah, he wants to go to art college one day after he graduates. Ryn, on the other hand, wants to get out of school and, as ironic as it sounds, become a private investigator. If she could help avenge someone's murder or find a criminal, it would help with her sense of justice, which she actually strongly believes in. 

Q: What are their common goals?

A: To have everyone be safe and peaceful. If everyone that they love could be happy, they'd be happier than they could imagine. 

Q: Do their goals conflict?

A: They haven't discussed them yet, honestly. 

Q: What are a few of their inside jokes?

A: OH OH OH I KNOW THIS ONE- Well, obviously, Koneko and Okami, but this was mainly because of Oliver's weeaboo phase that he went through when he was 12. He got the Japanese names from this phase. Dandelions always make Oliver smile, because of the time they were 9. Ryn had been so ecstatic about the idea of making a wish on a flower, they had run around picking all of the dandelions in their neighborhood. 

Q: What is the core for each character?

A: What the hell is a core- 

Q: How do they reveal their core to the other character?


Q: What are their relationship expectations?

A: Erm. WHAT IS THIS QUESTION- They both feel like they have everything they could possibly want from each other, I guess? 

Q: Does either have an addiction?

A: Oliver smokes weekly, though he's been trying to cut down. Ryn occasionally smokes, when she feels stressed out. She also used to be a bad alcoholic, but eventually, with the help of Andy, broke free from it. Ryn is also addicted to video games. Badly. 

Q: In what ways do they worry about each other?

A: Literally, all Oliver ever does is worry about Ryn. He worries about her sanity, her well-being, her health, her grades, how much she's smiling, how much she's eating, what she's eating, what mood she's in, how her day was, how tired she is, where she's going, if she's feeling lonely, the poor boy only worries about her. All the time. Ryn, on the other hand, worries about his street fighting, and the effects that her past decisions have on him now. 

These Shattered Remains (GE Series, Book One)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora