It took me about half a second to realize that standing there and staring at her wasn't really helping the situation. The woman I lived with had once watched a first aid training video while I was in the room and I tried to remember if I had learned anything useful from it. Molasses's mouth was open but she didn't seem to be breathing. I took a deep breath, put my mouth against hers and breathed out. That got no reaction. I tried the same maneuver again while also using my forepaws to massage her chest. Still no reaction. I had nothing better to do so I kept at it.

     After I had performed this procedure six times I took a second to look around. Nails and her crew were gone. Duke was lying prone by the street curb surrounded by cops and animal control guys. More and more neighbors were coming out of their houses to see what was happening. I took a deep breath and turned my head back towards Molasses. But it was a wasted breath. Molasses coughed a couple of times and opened her eyes.

     "Wh- What are you doing?" she asked.

     I felt a huge smile break out on my face. "I think that I just brought you back to life."

     She coughed again and then smiled weakly. "Geez, what you won't do to get a kiss."

     Apparently a human had been watching us. "Hey! I think that cat just gave that other cat CPR!"

     That caused a stir and people began to approach us. "Okay, kid." I told Molasses, "The people are coming to take care of you. I'll see you later." I gave her a wink and took off down the street.

     After I'd gone a safe distance I looked back. Mo was being attended to by a couple of policemen. I was pretty encouraged that she was going to be alright so I headed home.


     I got back to my house at about 5:30 just before our people got back from work and daycamp. I kept to myself and away from Yoshi until the family all gathered in the kitchen for dinner. He and I headed for the master bedroom so that I could report. Yoshi jumped up on the bed and took his usual listening position, lying at the head of the bed. I took a seat on the floor beneath him and reported. I told him about my chats with Willy and Sunshine. Then I described how I'd figured out where Chuck had gone that afternoon and how that led to Molasses's house. As I described the chaos that I encountered I tried to keep the anger out of my voice. I don't think that I succeeded but Yoshi didn't seem to notice. He seemed to be asleep but I knew that he was listening to every word that I uttered and filing the information away in his head until it was needed.

     Usually when I finished reporting I sat and waited for any questions that he might have. This time I just stood up and headed for the door.

     "Excuse me!" The sharpness in Yoshi's tone indicated that he hadn't expected me to leave. I turned around and glared at him.

     His eyes narrowed. "I have a few questions is you don't mind. Do you have any information as to the condition of Duke and Molasses?"

     "Not really. I assume that they were taken to the vet's office on Brice road. I'm going to drop by there tonight and check up on them."

     He grimaced at the thought of someone willingly going to the vet. "Be sure to give them my regards. I don't suppose that Nails was apprehended?"

     "I heard that her buddies Geech and Fusco got picked up and are now cooling their paws at the Animal Control facility. Any more questions?"

     "Just one. Are you angry with me?"

     That seemed so obvious that it didn't need an answer. I didn't say anything.

     "Apart from your report, you haven't said a word to me tonight. Are you giving me the silent treatment?"

Petectives: Under FireWhere stories live. Discover now