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Warning : grammatical errors and typos.



(Y/n)'s P.O.V

Today was a pretty great day for me in Camp Half-Blood. The sun was shining, birds were chirping, the grass was green-

Oh fuck this shit.

Today was a disaster.

Well, not really, it was just, i banged my head on the bunk bed twice, stabbed my toe on something, and I even managed to kiss the fucking floor.

I know right? I'm freaking talented.

Then there was Leo.

Don't get me wrong, I love him, really. He was my brother-well, half-brother if you wanted to get technical but whatever. My dad was Hephaestus, so I loved making things. I even made a laptop all by myself. The one that wouldn't attract monsters of course.

I was using my laptop this afternoon, and I found an interesting site called fanfictions that turned out pretty great so I spent most of my time reading them.

Then there was this story. It was rated M, i didn't know what was that, but my curiousity kicked in so I ended up reading them.

"A/N : hey guyss, I'm baackk. Today I wanna try something different so here's a story about (Y/n)'s sexy time with Nico. *wiggleseyebrows* Happy reading!"

I swear I had a nosebleed when I finished that story. But honestly, I kinda like it. So I went through another rated M story of course.

What? I got an opportunity to do sexy things with my crush. Who wouldn't want that?

What I wasn't expecting, when I was reading that you-know-what part, Leo barged in through the door, saw what I read, took my laptop, then ran away. Stupid past me just sat there completely frozen, trying to comprehend what was going on. It was until Leo said something about showing them to Nico.

Oh, fuck. I knew telling him about my crush on Nico was a bad idea.

So here I am, running around the camp just to get my freaking laptop back.

"Leo fucking Valdez, come back here this instant!"

"No can do, princess!"

Damn. I want to rip that smug grin off his face so badly right now.

"Don't you dare to go there!"

No! Not the Hades cabin!

"Nice rhyme, sweetheart!"

Right after he said those words, he slammed the cabin door closed.

I tried to open them, but it was locked. For all this time, he decided to use that little brain of his right now? Come on.

"Trust me you'll love it. Even (Y/n)'s obsessed with this."

Oh no you don't.

"That's not true! Nico, don't read them!" I said as I banged continuously at the door.



Another moment of silence. It was longer this time.

"Nico! Don't you dare to fucking read them!"

Then suddenly the door was opened, revealing a very sastified Leo and a very red Nico di Angelo.

Someone please just kill me now.

"Oops, look at the time! Gotta go. Have fun getting laid, lovelies!"

And bam. He was gone.

"Uh, bye!"

I said as I ran as fast as I could, leaving him behind shouting 'wait!' before he ran following me.

I was hiding in the woods, behind a big tree because I was out of breath. I looked to my right, checking if Nico was still chasing me.

Nope. No Nico. Everything was clear.
Thank goodness.

I sighed and turned my head back, only to see Nico's pretty face in front of mine and his hands were pinning me to the tree. Damn him and his shadowtravel skills.

"Found ya." He said hotly.

Then he slammed his lips againts me. Hard. Holy freaking shit. He kissed me. He fucking kissed me.

Sensing no responses from me, he bit my lower lip then forced me to open my mouth. The next thing I knew, we were making out, my back pushed againts the tree and my legs curled around his waist.

He let go off the kiss, went straight down to my neck, biting and sucking them hard after he found my sweet spot that caused me to turn into a moaning mess.

No matter how much I wanted to continue this, I had to let go. It was already dark, and we had to come back before someone found us missing.

"It's dinner time. We have to get back. Come on."

He nodded his head, slowly putting me down. We both blushed after realizing what we had done, but none of us regretted it.

I guess I had to thank Leo after this.


Second imagines~
Still need many improvements but please read, vote, and comment for me will ya?


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