I wouldn't allow him the pleasure. Instead of crumbling, I decided to speak words of truth.

'Rosetta," I began, thinking over my words carefully. "I know I don't hold your heart yet, but it is something I intend to accomplish over the years we spend together. You are to be my wife, and being here with you now, I am relieved that it was you. Having you as my wife will be an honor I'll get to live with every day of my life. I promise to always protect you, to keep you safe from any harm, and to love you, respect you, and to give you everything I have to offer. You shall never know what fear is with me beside you. Until time itself ends, I will always be yours.'

It was everything within me to not hold her closer. All I wanted was to be with her and to focus on her. I allowed myself to forget Henry was watching. From where he stood, he couldn't bother either of us.

'And now Rosetta, it's your turn to speak your vows.' The priest turned to her, his smile remaining wide and elated. It was oddly comforting to see how much he was enjoying this ceremony.

Her features softened as she gazed at me, hands squeezing mine once more. Rosetta bit the inside of her cheek to keep herself from smiling too wide. She took a deep breath, briefly closing her eyes before she spoke. As soon as she began speaking, her eyes reopened.

'I promise to serve you and support you in everything you have done, and everything you will do. Anything you ask of me, it shall be completed, and I shall do so happily. I will do my hardest to make sure you are pleased in life. I promise to be the one that takes weight off your shoulders when things get difficult, and to be the one that comforts you in your darkest hours. And above all, I promise one day soon to love you.'

My smile remained, though some of her words were concerning. Her vows had all been about serving me and caring for me. While that was wonderful, I wondered if she knew how far from the truth it would be. I didn't want my wife to serve me, not when there were willing servants around. I didn't want my wife to wait on me every moment of every day. An excitement bounced around inside my chest as I imagined how she would react to the customs of Transylvania.

Her last sentence touched me the most.

The words had sent shivers spiraling down my spine. One day, she would love me just as I would love her. I wanted to imagine every part of our future together once we left Invea. Everything would change for her for the better. There would be no listening to anyone, no cowering away from anyone who dared raise their voice in her direction, and most importantly there would be no one that would lay a hand upon her.

Rosetta would have a power she had never known.

After her vows were said, a young boy started to come our direction with a pillow. It was then that Caelum stepped off his wall and hurried towards the child. He caught the boy by his shoulder, leaning down and whispering something to the boy, who quickly nodded and turned around. Instead of the boy coming towards us, Caelum did.

Caelum kept his eyes upon Rosetta, a weak smile rising to his face. Before us on the stairs, he knelt and held his hand towards us. In his palm rested two silver rings, one with a carefully placed diamond upon it.

A glance at Rosetta told me they were special.

Her eyes lit up, tears quick to fill the bottom of her eyes. 'Caelum,' She whispered, her voice thick with disbelief. 'How?'

Never once did he take his eyes off of her. 'A magician never reveals his secrets, Rose. You know that.' He teased, watching helplessly as the ceremony continued.

I made a mental note to ask her about them. I had planned on having one crafted for her back home, but if these were the ones she loved then these would be it.

Wife of Vladimir ||Book One||Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt